0.10 Sun Sep 21 20:04:41 PDT 2008
New Features
* Added "$class:" change the invocant a la Perl 6.
* Added "$arg = EXPR" to set defaults.
* Added "$arg?" optional param syntax (currently does nothing)
* Added "$arg is foo" param traits (currently does nothing)
* Expose a way to play with the prototype handler.
Doc Fixes
- Change "prototype" to "signature" to avoid confusion with Perl's
built in prototypes.
0.05 Sun Sep 21 15:17:16 PDT 2008
Bug Fixes
* methods now get the right name in caller(), not "Class::__ANON__".
* The \@foo prototype no longer has a performance hit
* Closures now work with \@foo
(All the above thanks to Matthijs van Duin and his Sub::Name and
Test Fixes
* Not rigorously checking the bitmask and hints flags from caller() as
their behavior is undefined. This fixes the 5.10 test failures.
0.04 Sun Sep 21 13:52:29 PDT 2008
New Features
* A \@foo protototype allows you to use a reference as a regular var
New Docs
* Documented the @_ prototype
0.03 Sun Sep 21 00:57:32 PDT 2008
New Features
* Eliminate the need of the trailing semicolon
New Bugs
* The debugger and one-liners are broken
New Docs
* Better prototype docs
0.02 Wed Dec 26 02:07:26 PST 2007
Doc Fix
* Forgot the "use Method::Signatures" in the SYNOPSIS
0.01 Wed Dec 26 01:55:33 PST 2007
It works!