Revision history for Perl extension Pod::Tests.

0.08  Mon Aug 13 16:48:50 EDT 2001
    * Now reporting the line numbers of the orignal POD entries in tests
    * Put in warning about tests being lexically isolated next version.
    - Documented that "=also for example" will never work
    - fixed bug with tests at the very end of the file

0.07  Wed Jul 18 19:14:49 EDT 2001
    - oops, forgot to put the tutorial file into the MANIFEST

0.06  Tue Jul 17 12:38:01 EDT 2001
    * Added Pod::Tests::Tutorial docs.

0.05  Fri Jun 29 22:01:33 EDT 2001
    * Greatly extended the abilities of testing example code.

0.04  Fri Jun 29 20:10:29 EDT 2001      *UNRELEASED*
    - Fixed a bug with pod2test puking if there's no tests
    - Added RFC 183 into the dist.
    - Fixed up testing of example code

0.03  Tue Jun 12 17:42:28 EDT 2001
    * Now using Test::More and the no_plan feature in pod2tests
    * Multiple tests in one block supported!
    * Actually usable.

0.02  Sun Mar  4 04:13:05 GMT 2001
    * Moved build_examples() and build_tests() to Pod::Tests
    * Fixed and documented multiple parsing.
    * Added examples
    * pod2test now installs itself
    - Documented all private methods (privately)
    - Removed bogus Pod::Parser dependency
    - Fixed and tested pod2test

0.01  Thu Feb  1 12:46:03 EST 2001
    - First version escaped