Revision history for Perl extension Test::More.

0.07  Wed Jun 27 03:06:56 EDT 2001
    - VMS and Win32 fixes.  Nothing was actually wrong, but the tests
      had little problems.
    - like()'s failure report wasn't always accurate

0.06  Fri Jun 15 14:39:50 EDT 2001
    - Guarding against $/ and -l
    - Reformatted the way failed tests are reported to make them stand out
      a bit better.
    - Fixed tests without names

0.05  Tue Jun 12 16:16:55 EDT 2001
    * use Test::More no_plan; implemented

0.04  Thu Jun  7 11:26:18 BST 2001
    - minor bug in eq_set() with complex data structures
      Thanks to Tatsuhiko Miyagawa for finding this.

0.03  Tue Jun  5 19:59:59 BST 2001
    - Fixed export problem in 5.004.
    - prototyped the functions properly
    * fixed bug with like() involving qr//

0.02  Thu Apr  5 12:48:48 BST 2001
    - Fixed Makefile.PL to work around MakeMaker bug that 'use's Test::Simple
      instead of 'require'ing.

0.01  Fri Mar 30 07:49:14 GMT 2001
    - First working version