2.01  Fri Oct 10 08:56:32 EDT 2008
    Bug Fixes
    * An allocation bug would cause a crash if your phoned word is the
      same length as the original word.  (Thanks Dan Markham)
    - Fixed POD errors

    - Mention some of the other phonetic modules.

    * Fix compilation on VMS [rt.cpan.org 36208]

2.00  Sat Jun 30 01:48:07 CDT 2007
    Bug Fixes
    * Metaphone() no longer leaks memory. [rt.cpan.org 20901]
    * Eliminated a Perl function wrapper around the XS code.  Its about
      twice as fast now.

1.96  Thu Mar  4 18:44:02 EST 1999
    - DumbFS fix, changed metaphone.c to metaphone_c.c so that
      the XS generated file Metaphone.c does not conflict with
      it on case-insensitive filesystems. (Thanks Pudge)

1.95  Wed Jan 27 15:02:47 EST 1999
    * Fixed 'CK'->'KK' bug. ('CK' is now 'K')
    - Added README and INSTALL docs
    - Moved test.pl to t/metaphone.t

1.94  Fri Jan 22 15:26:30 EST 1999
    - Defined NULL for myself.  Fixes bug on SunOS 4.1.x

1.93  Thu Jan 21 21:34:40 EST 1999
    * Removed empty string asseration.
    * Fixed "W if followed by a vowel"  (Thanks to Paul Walmsley)
    * Fixed "Ignore C if SC[IEY]"
    * Fixed array boundry problems in ENCODE.

1.92  Tue Jan  5 21:44:11 EST 1999
    * Alterations to API
        removed Text::Soundex emulation layer
        removed everything but Metaphone()
    * Alterations to algorithm:
        CHR -> KR   'Christ', 'tchrist'
    - Finished POD
    - First CPAN release since 0.02

1.91  Mon Jan 4 21:00:00 EST 1999
    - Fixed memory leak
    - Started POD

1.90  Mon Jan 4 03:20:00 EST 1999
    - First working XS
    - Has memory leak
    - Fixed Schw bug
    * Alterations to algorithm:
        SCHW    -> X    'Schwern', 'Schwartz'
        SCH     -> SK   'School'

Heh, what happened to 1.00?  Never existed, it was supposed to be the gamma
release of the pure perl version of the module.  Skipped straight to 1.90, 
alpha XS version.

BTW  The new XS version is about 40x faster than the old perl version. :)

0.02  Tue Dec  2 10:18:27 EST 1997
    - First release to CPAN.
    - Added POD documentation.
    - MaxPhonemeLen is no longer exported.

0.01  Tue Dec  2 05:15:49 1997
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.18