Revision history for Perl extension Apache::MimeXML.

0.01  Sat Apr 17 20:56:00 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18

0.02  Sun Apr 25 1999
	- Some bug fixes
	- Added support for EBCDIC
	- Addes support for UTF-16-Little Endian
	- Fixed problem with Red Hat's version of perl

0.03  Sat Apr 22 2000
	- Added 'is_xml' into apache notes table if we recognise it as xml.

0.04  Sun Apr 23 2000
	- Use $r->content_encoding rather than embed in content-type.

0.05  Mon Apr 24 2000
	- Added ability to use from other modules
	- Some other minor tweaks

0.06  Tue Apr 25 2000
	- SetHandler perl-script if we detect a PerlHandler

0.07  Wed Apr 16 2000
	- Do the right thing (tm) instead of what 0.06 did.