AxKit Changes

 - Added SAXMachines Language module.
 - Seperated ContentProviders and StyleProviders into separate entities
 - Fixed more relative URI "issues"
 - Fixed xinclude in XSP pages
 - Fixed handling of XML resources - if using FastHandler don't check if the 
   resource is XML or not. (this fixes the problem with having to 
   "AddType text/xml .xsp" for everything you want handled)
 - Added support everywhere for axkit: URI scheme, which runs the requested
   URI through AxKit's engine without the need for doing a full http request.
 - Made most of AxKit warnings clean.
 - Made ConfigReader class a little easier to override
 - Use direct gzwrite() routines when writing the cache - should be 
   slightly faster.
 - "Fixed" strange error with Gzipped output related to perl unicode support
 - Made passthru sane with alternate providers (reduces security 
   risks - esp. with Filter)
 - Fixed some of the demo XSP pages
 - Added AxTraceIntermediate config option to aid debugging

 - Added SAXMachines Language module.
 - Seperated ContentProviders from StyleProviders

 - Allow AxKit to handle directory requests.
 - Fixed all Language modules to return 200/OK
 - Added AxIgnoreStylePI directive
 - Ported AxPoint to use XML::Handler::AxPoint
 - TaglibHelper taglibs no longer need to have parse_* subs 
 - Added HtmlDoc language module
 - Fixed strange bug in cached LibXSLT stylesheets

 - Allow XSP pages to return a result code to make redirects and other
   HTTP status codes easier.
 - Allow form/querystring params to *not* be passed to XSLT
 - Many XSP bug fixes
 - Fixed all Plugins to return OK, as needed
 - All plugins renamed to Apache::AxKit::Plugin namespace (old installs
   should continue to work by virtue of the old file remaining)
 - added SimpleTaglib, a powerful TaglibHelper replacement
 - added beginnings of a demo site, not yet fully functional, but already
   contains some useful example code

 - Allow AddHandler/SetHandler axkit instead of PerlHandler
 - Added AxDependencyChecks On/Off for performance on live sites
 - Implemented resolution of xml-stylesheet PI and root element
   stuff using libxml2 in C, allowing you to use AxKit totally
   without expat/XML::Parser.
 - Ported XSP to XML::LibXML
 - Added a PassiveTeX renderer, so you can do on-the-fly PDFs
 - Fixed some relative URI bugs in LibXSLT module
 - Fixes for compilation on MacOSX and SUNPRO C.
 - TaglibHelper updates to improve flexibility etc.
 - Added AxAddPlugin option
 - Cache changed to use 2 directories below cache file. Should speed
   things up on Linux/ext2
 - Facility to add stylesheets mid-processing, so you can control the
   execution path via XSP and other scripting.
 - Some AxPoint updates.

 - Config directives no longer implemented by Apache::ExtUtils
 - New TaglibHelper module, makes writing XSP taglibs almost trivial.
 - Build checks for iconv library - should make things smoother on *BSD
 - Known bug in Filter provider is fixed
 - Major memory leak cleanup
 - Added LibXSLT language module (for use with XML::LibXSLT). This is
   over twice as fast as XML::Sablotron, and more compliant.
 - Added AxAddURIProcessor config directive
 - Added AxLogDeclines config directive (replaces PerlSetVar equivalent)
 - Added import_templates() to XPathScript
 - XSP now uses SAX to generate code
 - allows you to set the outgoing mime type
 - Many fixes to AxKit.xs compiled directives (hopefully making it work
   for more people now)
 - Removed eval{} stuff around XML parsing in as it seemed to
   be causing segfaults in Perl 5.6.1
 - Fixes to LibXSLT language module to make it work with new versions of
   XML::LibXSLT (and the core libxslt library).
 - Cleaned up error handling, and error stylesheets significantly
 - Removed Storable from XPathScript (to get control of the segfaults)
 - Implemented has_changed() for all "cache" bits
 - Improved error handling with an AxStackTrace config directive
   allowing the Error Stylesheet to get a full stack trace.
 - Doc fixes to stop pod2man complaining.
 - AxKit now adds AxKit/Version to your Server string (for netcraft!)
 - Switched xml_string to pnotes so you can have binary nulls in the output
   (e.g. for PDFs).
 - Added some configuration tidbits to INSTALL
 - Much better (though not 100% there) test harness code
 - Major fixes to Makefile.PL (to work better on *BSD and Win32)
 - XML::Parser no longer needed if you have libxml2 installed. This will
   allow AxKit to work with Apaches that have expat enabled!
 - XSP pages can implement a has_changed() function, which allows you to
   control the caching of the results (can have significant performance
   increases on dynamic pages)
 - Providers responsible for returning declined (this allows for non-file
   providers to not end up in a 404 when doing e.g. passthru)
 - Added AxNoCache option to turn off caching on purpose.
 - split AxKit.xs into more managable files
 - Better error messages from CharsetConv (iconv)
 - Added a PDF slideshow builder called AxPoint
 - Sablot fix for changing content-type.
 - Much cleaner handling of character set conversions
 - AxKit::Apache->request() added (similar to Apache->request())
 - Cache maintains content-type more sanely.
 - Many, many minor bug fixes.

    - Re-written XSP engine
    - Much better dependencies checking
    - XPathScript adds import_template() function and other minor changes
    - Better shared memory usage when using directives in httpd.conf
    - All XSP namespaces updated to Apache normalised versions (these are<module>/<version> although these may well
      change again shortly)

    - XPathScript can interpolate "{xpath}" in $t hash
    - reduced required modules list
    - Removed Sablotron from due to some segfaults
    - Fixed segfaults in aborted conversions with iconv
    - Added AxResetProcessors
    - Improved Apache::Filter support
    - Much improved installer
    - Many XSP changes/fixes. Now uses XML::XPath DOM tree.
    - Memoize methods that call stat() in Cache and Providers
    - Many miscellaneous improvements

    - Uses iconv rather than Unicode::* modules to do character
      set conversions
    - Fix for AxMediaType/AxStyleName bug (Owen Stenseth)
    - Fix for compilation under mod_perl 1.24_01
    - Fix for relative URI's and file:// sub requests
    - Minor stylesheet cache bug fixed
    - Updated Filter provider for Apache::Filter >= 1.13
    - Fix for filehandle leak
    - Fix for Virtual Host Stash bug.