<HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >DOCBparser</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.64 "><LINK REL="HOME" TITLE="Gnome XML Library Reference Manual" HREF="book1.html"><LINK REL="UP" TITLE="Libxml Library Reference" HREF="libxml-lib.html"><LINK REL="PREVIOUS" TITLE="globals" HREF="libxml-globals.html"><LINK REL="NEXT" TITLE="parserInternals" HREF="libxml-parserinternals.html"></HEAD ><BODY CLASS="REFENTRY" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#840084" ALINK="#0000FF" ><DIV CLASS="NAVHEADER" ><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#000000" CELLPADDING="1" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TH COLSPAN="4" ALIGN="center" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="5" >Gnome XML Library Reference Manual</FONT ></TH ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#C00000" ALIGN="left" ><A HREF="libxml-globals.html" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B ><<< Previous Page</B ></FONT ></A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#0000C0" ALIGN="center" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B ><A 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HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERNODEINFO" >docbParserNodeInfo</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLER" >docbSAXHandler</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERINPUT" >docbParserInput</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERINPUTPTR" >docbParserInputPtr</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A >; typedef <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBNODEPTR" >docbNodePtr</A >; int <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBENCODEENTITIES" >docbEncodeEntities</A > (unsigned char *out, int *outlen, unsigned char *in, int *inlen, int quoteChar); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXPARSEDOC" >docbSAXParseDoc</A > (<A HREF="libxml-tree.html#XMLCHAR" >xmlChar</A > *cur, const char *encoding, <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *userData); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSEDOC" >docbParseDoc</A > (<A HREF="libxml-tree.html#XMLCHAR" >xmlChar</A > *cur, const char *encoding); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXPARSEFILE" >docbSAXParseFile</A > (const char *filename, const char *encoding, <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *userData); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSEFILE" >docbParseFile</A > (const char *filename, const char *encoding); void <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBFREEPARSERCTXT" >docbFreeParserCtxt</A > (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBCREATEPUSHPARSERCTXT" >docbCreatePushParserCtxt</A > (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *user_data, const char *chunk, int size, const char *filename, <A HREF="libxml-encoding.html#XMLCHARENCODING" >xmlCharEncoding</A > enc); int <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSECHUNK" >docbParseChunk</A > (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt, const char *chunk, int size, int terminate); <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBCREATEFILEPARSERCTXT" >docbCreateFileParserCtxt</A > (const char *filename, const char *encoding); int <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSEDOCUMENT" >docbParseDocument</A > (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="REFSECT1" ><A NAME="AEN20653" ></A ><H2 >Description</H2 ><P ></P ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="REFSECT1" ><A NAME="AEN20656" ></A ><H2 >Details</H2 ><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20658" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSERCTXT" ></A >docbParserCtxt</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlParserCtxt docbParserCtxt;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20663" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" ></A >docbParserCtxtPtr</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlParserCtxtPtr docbParserCtxtPtr;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20668" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSERNODEINFO" ></A >docbParserNodeInfo</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlParserNodeInfo docbParserNodeInfo;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20673" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBSAXHANDLER" ></A >docbSAXHandler</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlSAXHandler docbSAXHandler;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20678" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" ></A >docbSAXHandlerPtr</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlSAXHandlerPtr docbSAXHandlerPtr;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20683" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSERINPUT" ></A >docbParserInput</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlParserInput docbParserInput;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20688" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSERINPUTPTR" ></A >docbParserInputPtr</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlParserInputPtr docbParserInputPtr;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20693" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBDOCPTR" ></A >docbDocPtr</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlDocPtr docbDocPtr;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20698" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBNODEPTR" ></A >docbNodePtr</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >typedef xmlNodePtr docbNodePtr;</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20703" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBENCODEENTITIES" ></A >docbEncodeEntities ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >int docbEncodeEntities (unsigned char *out, int *outlen, unsigned char *in, int *inlen, int quoteChar);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >Take a block of UTF-8 chars in and try to convert it to an ASCII plus SGML entities block of chars out.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20709" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >out</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a pointer to an array of bytes to store the result</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >outlen</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the length of <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >out</I ></TT ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >in</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a pointer to an array of UTF-8 chars</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >inlen</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the length of <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >in</I ></TT ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >quoteChar</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the quote character to escape (' or ") or zero.</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >0 if success, -2 if the transcoding fails, or -1 otherwise The value of <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >inlen</I ></TT > after return is the number of octets consumed as the return value is positive, else unpredictable. The value of <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >outlen</I ></TT > after return is the number of octets consumed.</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20742" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBSAXPARSEDOC" ></A >docbSAXParseDoc ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > docbSAXParseDoc (<A HREF="libxml-tree.html#XMLCHAR" >xmlChar</A > *cur, const char *encoding, <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *userData);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >parse an SGML in-memory document and build a tree. It use the given SAX function block to handle the parsing callback. If sax is NULL, fallback to the default DOM tree building routines.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20751" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >cur</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a pointer to an array of xmlChar</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >encoding</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a free form C string describing the SGML document encoding, or NULL</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >sax</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the SAX handler block</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >userData</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > if using SAX, this pointer will be provided on callbacks. </TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the resulting document tree</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20776" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSEDOC" ></A >docbParseDoc ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > docbParseDoc (<A HREF="libxml-tree.html#XMLCHAR" >xmlChar</A > *cur, const char *encoding);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >parse an SGML in-memory document and build a tree.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20784" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >cur</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a pointer to an array of xmlChar</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >encoding</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a free form C string describing the SGML document encoding, or NULL</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the resulting document tree</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20801" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBSAXPARSEFILE" ></A >docbSAXParseFile ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > docbSAXParseFile (const char *filename, const char *encoding, <A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *userData);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >parse an SGML file and build a tree. Automatic support for ZLIB/Compress compressed document is provided by default if found at compile-time. It use the given SAX function block to handle the parsing callback. If sax is NULL, fallback to the default DOM tree building routines.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20809" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >filename</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the filename</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >encoding</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a free form C string describing the SGML document encoding, or NULL</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >sax</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the SAX handler block</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >userData</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > if using SAX, this pointer will be provided on callbacks. </TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the resulting document tree</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20834" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSEFILE" ></A >docbParseFile ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBDOCPTR" >docbDocPtr</A > docbParseFile (const char *filename, const char *encoding);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >parse a Docbook SGML file and build a tree. Automatic support for ZLIB/Compress compressed document is provided by default if found at compile-time.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20841" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >filename</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the filename</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >encoding</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a free form C string describing document encoding, or NULL</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the resulting document tree</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20858" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBFREEPARSERCTXT" ></A >docbFreeParserCtxt ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >void docbFreeParserCtxt (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >Free all the memory used by a parser context. However the parsed document in ctxt->myDoc is not freed.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20865" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >ctxt</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an SGML parser context</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20874" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBCREATEPUSHPARSERCTXT" ></A >docbCreatePushParserCtxt ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > docbCreatePushParserCtxt (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBSAXHANDLERPTR" >docbSAXHandlerPtr</A > sax, void *user_data, const char *chunk, int size, const char *filename, <A HREF="libxml-encoding.html#XMLCHARENCODING" >xmlCharEncoding</A > enc);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >Create a parser context for using the DocBook SGML parser in push mode To allow content encoding detection, <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >size</I ></TT > should be >= 4 The value of <TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >filename</I ></TT > is used for fetching external entities and error/warning reports.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20885" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >sax</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a SAX handler</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >user_data</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > The user data returned on SAX callbacks</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >chunk</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > a pointer to an array of chars</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >size</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > number of chars in the array</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >filename</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an optional file name or URI</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >enc</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an optional encoding</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the new parser context or NULL</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20918" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSECHUNK" ></A >docbParseChunk ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >int docbParseChunk (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt, const char *chunk, int size, int terminate);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >Parse a Chunk of memory</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20925" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >ctxt</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an XML parser context</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >chunk</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an char array</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >size</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the size in byte of the chunk</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >terminate</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > last chunk indicator</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >zero if no error, the xmlParserErrors otherwise.</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20950" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBCREATEFILEPARSERCTXT" ></A >docbCreateFileParserCtxt ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" ><A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > docbCreateFileParserCtxt (const char *filename, const char *encoding);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >Create a parser context for a file content. Automatic support for ZLIB/Compress compressed document is provided by default if found at compile-time.</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20957" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >filename</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the filename</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >encoding</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > the SGML document encoding, or NULL</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >the new parser context or NULL</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ><HR><DIV CLASS="REFSECT2" ><A NAME="AEN20974" ></A ><H3 ><A NAME="DOCBPARSEDOCUMENT" ></A >docbParseDocument ()</H3 ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#D6E8FF" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="6" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="PROGRAMLISTING" >int docbParseDocument (<A HREF="libxml-docbparser.html#DOCBPARSERCTXTPTR" >docbParserCtxtPtr</A > ctxt);</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P >parse an SGML document (and build a tree if using the standard SAX interface).</P ><P ></P ><DIV CLASS="INFORMALTABLE" ><A NAME="AEN20981" ></A ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFD0D0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" CLASS="CALSTABLE" ><TBODY ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><TT CLASS="PARAMETER" ><I >ctxt</I ></TT > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" > an SGML parser context</TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="20%" ALIGN="RIGHT" VALIGN="TOP" ><I CLASS="EMPHASIS" >Returns</I > :</TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" >0, -1 in case of error. the parser context is augmented as a result of the parsing.</TD ></TR ></TBODY ></TABLE ><P ></P ></DIV ></DIV ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="NAVFOOTER" ><BR CLEAR="all"><BR><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#000000" CELLPADDING="1" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#C00000" ALIGN="left" ><A HREF="libxml-globals.html" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B ><<< Previous Page</B ></FONT ></A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#0000C0" ALIGN="center" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B ><A HREF="book1.html" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B >Home</B ></FONT ></A ></B ></FONT ></TD ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#00C000" ALIGN="center" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B ><A HREF="libxml-lib.html" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B >Up</B ></FONT ></A ></B ></FONT ></TD ><TD WIDTH="25%" BGCOLOR="#C00000" ALIGN="right" ><A HREF="libxml-parserinternals.html" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B >Next Page >>></B ></FONT ></A ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="left" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B >globals</B ></FONT ></TD ><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="right" ><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="3" ><B >parserInternals</B ></FONT ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ></BODY ></HTML >