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For Apache modules that are not part of the Apache distribution, please see <a href="http://modules.apache.org/">http://modules.apache.org</a></p> <dl> <dt><a href="core.html">Core</a></dt> <dd>Core Apache features</dd> <dt><a href="mod_access.html">mod_access</a></dt> <dd>Access control based on client hostname or IP address</dd> <dt><a href="mod_actions.html">mod_actions</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Executing CGI scripts based on media type or request method</dd> <dt><a href="mod_alias.html">mod_alias</a></dt> <dd>Mapping different parts of the host filesystem in the document tree, and URL redirection</dd> <dt><a href="mod_asis.html">mod_asis</a></dt> <dd>Sending files which contain their own HTTP headers</dd> <dt><a href="mod_auth.html">mod_auth</a></dt> <dd>User authentication using text files</dd> <dt><a href="mod_auth_anon.html">mod_auth_anon</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Anonymous user access to authenticated areas</dd> <dt><a href="mod_auth_db.html">mod_auth_db</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>User authentication using Berkeley DB files</dd> <dt><a href="mod_auth_dbm.html">mod_auth_dbm</a></dt> <dd>User authentication using DBM files</dd> <dt><a href="mod_auth_digest.html">mod_auth_digest</a> Apache 1.3.8 and up</dt> <dd>MD5 authentication</dd> <dt><a href="mod_autoindex.html">mod_autoindex</a></dt> <dd>Automatic directory listings</dd> <dt><a href="mod_browser.html">mod_browser</a> Apache 1.2.* only</dt> <dd>Set environment variables based on User-Agent strings. Replaced by mod_setenvif in Apache 1.3 and up</dd> <dt><a href="mod_cern_meta.html">mod_cern_meta</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Support for HTTP header metafiles</dd> <dt><a href="mod_cgi.html">mod_cgi</a></dt> <dd>Invoking CGI scripts</dd> <dt><a href="mod_cookies.html">mod_cookies</a> up to Apache 1.1.1</dt> <dd>Support for Netscape-like cookies. Replaced in Apache 1.2 by mod_usertrack</dd> <dt><a href="mod_digest.html">mod_digest</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>MD5 authentication (deprecated by mod_auth_digest)</dd> <dt><a href="mod_dir.html">mod_dir</a></dt> <dd>Basic directory handling</dd> <dt><a href="mod_dld.html">mod_dld</a> Apache 1.2.* and earlier</dt> <dd>Start-time linking with the GNU libdld. Replaced in Apache 1.3 by mod_so</dd> <dt><a href="mod_env.html">mod_env</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Passing of environments to CGI scripts</dd> <dt><a href="mod_example.html">mod_example</a> Apache 1.2 and up</dt> <dd>Demonstrates Apache API</dd> <dt><a href="mod_expires.html">mod_expires</a> Apache 1.2 and up</dt> <dd>Apply Expires: headers to resources</dd> <dt><a href="mod_headers.html">mod_headers</a> Apache 1.2 and up</dt> <dd>Add arbitrary HTTP headers to resources</dd> <dt><a href="mod_imap.html">mod_imap</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>The imagemap file handler</dd> <dt><a href="mod_include.html">mod_include</a></dt> <dd>Server-parsed documents</dd> <dt><a href="mod_info.html">mod_info</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Server configuration information</dd> <dt><a href="mod_isapi.html">mod_isapi</a> WIN32 only</dt> <dd>Windows ISAPI Extension support</dd> <dt><a href="mod_log_agent.html">mod_log_agent</a></dt> <dd>Logging of User Agents</dd> <dt><a href="mod_log_common.html">mod_log_common</a> up to Apache 1.1.1</dt> <dd>Standard logging in the Common Logfile Format. Replaced by the mod_log_config module in Apache 1.2 and up</dd> <dt><a href="mod_log_config.html">mod_log_config</a></dt> <dd>User-configurable logging replacement for mod_log_common</dd> <dt><a href="mod_log_referer.html">mod_log_referer</a></dt> <dd>Logging of document references</dd> <dt><a href="mod_mime.html">mod_mime</a></dt> <dd>Determining document types using file extensions</dd> <dt><a href="mod_mime_magic.html">mod_mime_magic</a></dt> <dd>Determining document types using "magic numbers"</dd> <dt><a href="mod_mmap_static.html">mod_mmap_static</a> Apache 1.3 and up</dt> <dd>Experimental file caching, mapping files into memory to improve performance</dd> <dt><a href="mod_negotiation.html">mod_negotiation</a></dt> <dd>Content negotiation</dd> <dt><a href="mod_proxy.html">mod_proxy</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Caching proxy abilities</dd> <dt><a href="mod_rewrite.html">mod_rewrite</a> Apache 1.2 and up</dt> <dd>Powerful URI-to-filename mapping using regular expressions</dd> <dt><a href="mod_setenvif.html">mod_setenvif</a> Apache 1.3 and up</dt> <dd>Set environment variables based on client information</dd> <dt><a href="mod_so.html">mod_so</a> Apache 1.3 and up</dt> <dd>Support for loading modules (.so's on Unix, .dll's on Win32) at runtime</dd> <dt><a href="mod_speling.html">mod_speling</a> Apache 1.3 and up</dt> <dd>Automatically correct minor typos in URLs</dd> <dt><a href="mod_status.html">mod_status</a> Apache 1.1 and up</dt> <dd>Server status display</dd> <dt><a href="mod_unique_id.html">mod_unique_id</a> Apache 1.3 and up</dt> <dd>Generate unique request identifier for every request</dd> <dt><a href="mod_userdir.html">mod_userdir</a></dt> <dd>User home directories</dd> <dt><a href="mod_usertrack.html">mod_usertrack</a> Apache 1.2 and up</dt> <dd>User tracking using Cookies (replacement for mod_cookies.c)</dd> <dt><a href="mod_vhost_alias.html">mod_vhost_alias</a> Apache 1.3.7 and up</dt> <dd>Support for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting</dd> </dl> <hr /> <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3</h3> <a href="./"><img src="../images/index.gif" alt="Index" /></a> <a href="../"><img src="../images/home.gif" alt="Home" /></a> </body> </html>