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    <title>Compiling Apache under UnixWare</title>
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      <h3>Apache HTTP Server</h3>

    <h1 align="CENTER">Compiling Apache under UnixWare</h1>
    To compile a working copy of Apache under UnixWare, there are
    several other steps you may need to take. These prevent such
    problems as zombie processes, bind errors, and accept errors,
    to name a few. 

    <h2>UnixWare 1.x</h2>
    Make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is defined (if not
    defined by Apache autoconfiguration). If using the UnixWare
    <em>cc</em> compiler, and you still see accept() errors, don't
    use compiler optimization, or get <em>gcc</em>. 

    <h2>UnixWare 2.0.x</h2>
    SCO patch <a
    href="ftp://ftp.sco.com/UW20/tf2163.txt">tf2163</a> is required
    in order for Apache to work correctly on UnixWare 2.0.x. See <a
    href="http://www.sco.com">http://www.sco.com</a> for UnixWare
    patch information. 

    <p>In addition, make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is
    defined (if not defined by Apache autoconfiguration). To reduce
    instances of connections in FIN_WAIT_2 state, you may also want
    to define NO_LINGCLOSE (Apache 1.2 only).</p>

    <h2>UnixWare 2.1.x</h2>
    SCO patch <a
    href="ftp://ftp.sco.com/UW21/ptf3123b.txt">ptf3123</a> is
    required in order for Apache to work correctly on UnixWare
    2.1.x. See <a href="http://www.sco.com">http://www.sco.com</a>
    for UnixWare patch information. 

    <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> Unixware 2.1.2 and later already have
    patch ptf3123 included</p>

    <p>In addition, make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is
    defined (if not defined by Apache autoconfiguration). To reduce
    instances of connections in FIN_WAIT_2 state, you may also want
    to define NO_LINGCLOSE (Apache 1.2 only).</p>

    <p>Thanks to Joe Doupnik &lt;JRD@cc.usu.edu&gt; and Rich Vaughn
    &lt;rvaughn@aad.com&gt; for additional info for UnixWare

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    <h3 align="CENTER">Apache HTTP Server</h3>
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