/* ==================================================================== * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 * * Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, * if any, must include the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)." * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself, * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear. * * 4. The names "Apache" and "Apache Software Foundation" must * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without prior written permission. For written * permission, please contact apache@apache.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache", * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written * permission of the Apache Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE APACHE SOFTWARE FOUNDATION OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * <http://www.apache.org/>. * * Portions of this software are based upon public domain software * originally written at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, * University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. */ /* * util.c: string utility things * * 3/21/93 Rob McCool * 1995-96 Many changes by the Apache Group * */ /* Debugging aid: * #define DEBUG to trace all cfg_open*()/cfg_closefile() calls * #define DEBUG_CFG_LINES to trace every line read from the config files */ #include "httpd.h" #include "http_conf_globals.h" /* for user_id & group_id */ #include "http_log.h" #if defined(SUNOS4) /* stdio.h has been read in ap_config.h already. Add missing prototypes here: */ extern int fgetc(FILE *); extern char *fgets(char *s, int, FILE*); extern int fclose(FILE *); #endif /* A bunch of functions in util.c scan strings looking for certain characters. * To make that more efficient we encode a lookup table. The test_char_table * is generated automatically by gen_test_char.c. */ #include "test_char.h" /* we assume the folks using this ensure 0 <= c < 256... which means * you need a cast to (unsigned char) first, you can't just plug a * char in here and get it to work, because if char is signed then it * will first be sign extended. */ #define TEST_CHAR(c, f) (test_char_table[(unsigned)(c)] & (f)) void ap_util_init(void) { /* nothing to do... previously there was run-time initialization of * test_char_table here */ } API_VAR_EXPORT const char ap_month_snames[12][4] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; API_VAR_EXPORT const char ap_day_snames[7][4] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; API_EXPORT(char *) ap_get_time(void) { time_t t; char *time_string; t = time(NULL); time_string = ctime(&t); time_string[strlen(time_string) - 1] = '\0'; return (time_string); } /* * Examine a field value (such as a media-/content-type) string and return * it sans any parameters; e.g., strip off any ';charset=foo' and the like. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_field_noparam(pool *p, const char *intype) { const char *semi; if (intype == NULL) return NULL; semi = strchr(intype, ';'); if (semi == NULL) { return ap_pstrdup(p, intype); } else { while ((semi > intype) && ap_isspace(semi[-1])) { semi--; } return ap_pstrndup(p, intype, semi - intype); } } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_ht_time(pool *p, time_t t, const char *fmt, int gmt) { char ts[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char tf[MAX_STRING_LEN]; struct tm *tms; tms = (gmt ? gmtime(&t) : localtime(&t)); if(gmt) { /* Convert %Z to "GMT" and %z to "+0000"; * on hosts that do not have a time zone string in struct tm, * strftime must assume its argument is local time. */ const char *f; char *strp; for(strp = tf, f = fmt; strp < tf + sizeof(tf) - 6 && (*strp = *f) ; f++, strp++) { if (*f != '%') continue; switch (f[1]) { case '%': *++strp = *++f; break; case 'Z': *strp++ = 'G'; *strp++ = 'M'; *strp = 'T'; f++; break; case 'z': /* common extension */ *strp++ = '+'; *strp++ = '0'; *strp++ = '0'; *strp++ = '0'; *strp = '0'; f++; break; } } *strp = '\0'; fmt = tf; } /* check return code? */ strftime(ts, MAX_STRING_LEN, fmt, tms); ts[MAX_STRING_LEN - 1] = '\0'; return ap_pstrdup(p, ts); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_gm_timestr_822(pool *p, time_t sec) { struct tm *tms; tms = gmtime(&sec); /* RFC date format; as strftime '%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT' */ return ap_psprintf(p, "%s, %.2d %s %d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d GMT", ap_day_snames[tms->tm_wday], tms->tm_mday, ap_month_snames[tms->tm_mon], tms->tm_year + 1900, tms->tm_hour, tms->tm_min, tms->tm_sec); } /* What a pain in the ass. */ #if defined(HAVE_GMTOFF) API_EXPORT(struct tm *) ap_get_gmtoff(int *tz) { time_t tt = time(NULL); struct tm *t; t = localtime(&tt); *tz = (int) (t->tm_gmtoff / 60); return t; } #else API_EXPORT(struct tm *) ap_get_gmtoff(int *tz) { time_t tt = time(NULL); struct tm gmt; struct tm *t; int days, hours, minutes; /* Assume we are never more than 24 hours away. */ gmt = *gmtime(&tt); /* remember gmtime/localtime return ptr to static */ t = localtime(&tt); /* buffer... so be careful */ days = t->tm_yday - gmt.tm_yday; hours = ((days < -1 ? 24 : 1 < days ? -24 : days * 24) + t->tm_hour - gmt.tm_hour); minutes = hours * 60 + t->tm_min - gmt.tm_min; *tz = minutes; return t; } #endif /* Roy owes Rob beer. */ /* Rob owes Roy dinner. */ /* These legacy comments would make a lot more sense if Roy hadn't * replaced the old later_than() routine with util_date.c. * * Well, okay, they still wouldn't make any sense. */ /* Match = 0, NoMatch = 1, Abort = -1 * Based loosely on sections of wildmat.c by Rich Salz * Hmmm... shouldn't this really go component by component? */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_strcmp_match(const char *str, const char *exp) { int x, y; for (x = 0, y = 0; exp[y]; ++y, ++x) { if ((!str[x]) && (exp[y] != '*')) return -1; if (exp[y] == '*') { while (exp[++y] == '*'); if (!exp[y]) return 0; while (str[x]) { int ret; if ((ret = ap_strcmp_match(&str[x++], &exp[y])) != 1) return ret; } return -1; } else if ((exp[y] != '?') && (str[x] != exp[y])) return 1; } return (str[x] != '\0'); } API_EXPORT(int) ap_strcasecmp_match(const char *str, const char *exp) { int x, y; for (x = 0, y = 0; exp[y]; ++y, ++x) { if ((!str[x]) && (exp[y] != '*')) return -1; if (exp[y] == '*') { while (exp[++y] == '*'); if (!exp[y]) return 0; while (str[x]) { int ret; if ((ret = ap_strcasecmp_match(&str[x++], &exp[y])) != 1) return ret; } return -1; } else if ((exp[y] != '?') && (ap_tolower(str[x]) != ap_tolower(exp[y]))) return 1; } return (str[x] != '\0'); } API_EXPORT(int) ap_is_matchexp(const char *str) { register int x; for (x = 0; str[x]; x++) if ((str[x] == '*') || (str[x] == '?')) return 1; return 0; } /* * Similar to standard strstr() but we ignore case in this version. * Based on the strstr() implementation further below. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_strcasestr(const char *s1, const char *s2) { char *p1, *p2; if (*s2 == '\0') { /* an empty s2 */ return((char *)s1); } while(1) { for ( ; (*s1 != '\0') && (ap_tolower(*s1) != ap_tolower(*s2)); s1++); if (*s1 == '\0') return(NULL); /* found first character of s2, see if the rest matches */ p1 = (char *)s1; p2 = (char *)s2; while (ap_tolower(*++p1) == ap_tolower(*++p2)) { if (*p1 == '\0') { /* both strings ended together */ return((char *)s1); } } if (*p2 == '\0') { /* second string ended, a match */ break; } /* didn't find a match here, try starting at next character in s1 */ s1++; } return((char *)s1); } /* * Returns an offsetted pointer in bigstring immediately after * prefix. Returns bigstring if bigstring doesn't start with * prefix or if prefix is longer than bigstring while still matching. * NOTE: pointer returned is relative to bigstring, so we * can use standard pointer comparisons in the calling function * (eg: test if ap_stripprefix(a,b) == a) */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_stripprefix(const char *bigstring, const char *prefix) { char *p1; if (*prefix == '\0') { return( (char *)bigstring); } p1 = (char *)bigstring; while(*p1 && *prefix) { if (*p1++ != *prefix++) return( (char *)bigstring); } if (*prefix == '\0') return(p1); else /* hit the end of bigstring! */ return( (char *)bigstring); } /* * Apache stub function for the regex libraries regexec() to make sure the * whole regex(3) API is available through the Apache (exported) namespace. * This is especially important for the DSO situations of modules. * DO NOT MAKE A MACRO OUT OF THIS FUNCTION! */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_regexec(const regex_t *preg, const char *string, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[], int eflags) { return regexec(preg, string, nmatch, pmatch, eflags); } API_EXPORT(size_t) ap_regerror(int errcode, const regex_t *preg, char *errbuf, size_t errbuf_size) { return regerror(errcode, preg, errbuf, errbuf_size); } /* This function substitutes for $0-$9, filling in regular expression * submatches. Pass it the same nmatch and pmatch arguments that you * passed ap_regexec(). pmatch should not be greater than the maximum number * of subexpressions - i.e. one more than the re_nsub member of regex_t. * * input should be the string with the $-expressions, source should be the * string that was matched against. * * It returns the substituted string, or NULL on error. * * Parts of this code are based on Henry Spencer's regsub(), from his * AT&T V8 regexp package. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_pregsub(pool *p, const char *input, const char *source, size_t nmatch, regmatch_t pmatch[]) { const char *src = input; char *dest, *dst; char c; size_t no; int len; if (!source) return NULL; if (!nmatch) return ap_pstrdup(p, src); /* First pass, find the size */ len = 0; while ((c = *src++) != '\0') { if (c == '&') no = 0; else if (c == '$' && ap_isdigit(*src)) no = *src++ - '0'; else no = 10; if (no > 9) { /* Ordinary character. */ if (c == '\\' && (*src == '$' || *src == '&')) c = *src++; len++; } else if (no < nmatch && pmatch[no].rm_so < pmatch[no].rm_eo) { len += pmatch[no].rm_eo - pmatch[no].rm_so; } } dest = dst = ap_pcalloc(p, len + 1); /* Now actually fill in the string */ src = input; while ((c = *src++) != '\0') { if (c == '&') no = 0; else if (c == '$' && ap_isdigit(*src)) no = *src++ - '0'; else no = 10; if (no > 9) { /* Ordinary character. */ if (c == '\\' && (*src == '$' || *src == '&')) c = *src++; *dst++ = c; } else if (no < nmatch && pmatch[no].rm_so < pmatch[no].rm_eo) { len = pmatch[no].rm_eo - pmatch[no].rm_so; memcpy(dst, source + pmatch[no].rm_so, len); dst += len; } } *dst = '\0'; return dest; } /* * Parse .. so we don't compromise security */ API_EXPORT(void) ap_getparents(char *name) { int l, w; /* Four passes, as per RFC 1808 */ /* a) remove ./ path segments */ for (l = 0, w = 0; name[l] != '\0';) { if (name[l] == '.' && name[l + 1] == '/' && (l == 0 || name[l - 1] == '/')) l += 2; else name[w++] = name[l++]; } /* b) remove trailing . path, segment */ if (w == 1 && name[0] == '.') w--; else if (w > 1 && name[w - 1] == '.' && name[w - 2] == '/') w--; name[w] = '\0'; /* c) remove all xx/../ segments. (including leading ../ and /../) */ l = 0; while (name[l] != '\0') { if (name[l] == '.' && name[l + 1] == '.' && name[l + 2] == '/' && (l == 0 || name[l - 1] == '/')) { register int m = l + 3, n; l = l - 2; if (l >= 0) { while (l >= 0 && name[l] != '/') l--; l++; } else l = 0; n = l; while ((name[n] = name[m])) (++n, ++m); } else ++l; } /* d) remove trailing xx/.. segment. */ if (l == 2 && name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.') name[0] = '\0'; else if (l > 2 && name[l - 1] == '.' && name[l - 2] == '.' && name[l - 3] == '/') { l = l - 4; if (l >= 0) { while (l >= 0 && name[l] != '/') l--; l++; } else l = 0; name[l] = '\0'; } } API_EXPORT(void) ap_no2slash(char *name) { char *d, *s; s = d = name; #ifdef HAVE_UNC_PATHS /* Check for UNC names. Leave leading two slashes. */ if (s[0] == '/' && s[1] == '/') *d++ = *s++; #endif while (*s) { if ((*d++ = *s) == '/') { do { ++s; } while (*s == '/'); } else { ++s; } } *d = '\0'; } /* * copy at most n leading directories of s into d * d should be at least as large as s plus 1 extra byte * assumes n > 0 * the return value is the ever useful pointer to the trailing \0 of d * * examples: * /a/b, 1 ==> / * /a/b, 2 ==> /a/ * /a/b, 3 ==> /a/b/ * /a/b, 4 ==> /a/b/ * * MODIFIED FOR HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS and NETWARE environments, * so that if n == 0, "/" is returned in d with n == 1 * and s == "e:/test.html", "e:/" is returned in d * *** See also directory_walk in src/main/http_request.c */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_make_dirstr_prefix(char *d, const char *s, int n) { #if defined(HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS) || defined(NETWARE) if (!n) { *d = '/'; *++d = '\0'; return (d); } #endif /* def HAVE_DRIVE_LETTERS || NETWARE */ for (;;) { *d = *s; if (*d == '\0') { *d = '/'; break; } if (*d == '/' && (--n) == 0) break; ++d; ++s; } *++d = 0; return (d); } /* * return the parent directory name including trailing / of the file s */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_make_dirstr_parent(pool *p, const char *s) { char *last_slash = strrchr(s, '/'); char *d; int l; if (last_slash == NULL) { /* XXX: well this is really broken if this happens */ return (ap_pstrdup(p, "/")); } l = (last_slash - s) + 1; d = ap_palloc(p, l + 1); memcpy(d, s, l); d[l] = 0; return (d); } /* * This function is deprecated. Use one of the preceeding two functions * which are faster. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_make_dirstr(pool *p, const char *s, int n) { register int x, f; char *res; for (x = 0, f = 0; s[x]; x++) { if (s[x] == '/') if ((++f) == n) { res = ap_palloc(p, x + 2); memcpy(res, s, x); res[x] = '/'; res[x + 1] = '\0'; return res; } } if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '/') return ap_pstrdup(p, s); else return ap_pstrcat(p, s, "/", NULL); } API_EXPORT(int) ap_count_dirs(const char *path) { register int x, n; for (x = 0, n = 0; path[x]; x++) if (path[x] == '/') n++; return n; } API_EXPORT(void) ap_chdir_file(const char *file) { const char *x; char buf[HUGE_STRING_LEN]; x = strrchr(file, '/'); if (x == NULL) { chdir(file); } else if (x - file < sizeof(buf) - 1) { memcpy(buf, file, x - file); buf[x - file] = '\0'; chdir(buf); } /* XXX: well, this is a silly function, no method of reporting an * error... ah well. */ } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_nc(pool *atrans, char **line, char stop) { return ap_getword(atrans, (const char **) line, stop); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword(pool *atrans, const char **line, char stop) { char *pos = strchr(*line, stop); char *res; if (!pos) { res = ap_pstrdup(atrans, *line); *line += strlen(*line); return res; } res = ap_pstrndup(atrans, *line, pos - *line); while (*pos == stop) { ++pos; } *line = pos; return res; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_white_nc(pool *atrans, char **line) { return ap_getword_white(atrans, (const char **) line); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_white(pool *atrans, const char **line) { int pos = -1, x; char *res; for (x = 0; (*line)[x]; x++) { if (ap_isspace((*line)[x])) { pos = x; break; } } if (pos == -1) { res = ap_pstrdup(atrans, *line); *line += strlen(*line); return res; } res = ap_palloc(atrans, pos + 1); ap_cpystrn(res, *line, pos + 1); while (ap_isspace((*line)[pos])) ++pos; *line += pos; return res; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_nulls_nc(pool *atrans, char **line, char stop) { return ap_getword_nulls(atrans, (const char **) line, stop); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_nulls(pool *atrans, const char **line, char stop) { char *pos = strchr(*line, stop); char *res; if (!pos) { res = ap_pstrdup(atrans, *line); *line += strlen(*line); return res; } res = ap_pstrndup(atrans, *line, pos - *line); ++pos; *line = pos; return res; } /* Get a word, (new) config-file style --- quoted strings and backslashes * all honored */ static char *substring_conf(pool *p, const char *start, int len, char quote) { char *result = ap_palloc(p, len + 2); char *resp = result; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (start[i] == '\\' && (start[i + 1] == '\\' || (quote && start[i + 1] == quote))) *resp++ = start[++i]; else *resp++ = start[i]; } *resp++ = '\0'; return result; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_conf_nc(pool *p, char **line) { return ap_getword_conf(p, (const char **) line); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_getword_conf(pool *p, const char **line) { const char *str = *line, *strend; char *res; char quote; while (*str && ap_isspace(*str)) ++str; if (!*str) { *line = str; return ""; } if ((quote = *str) == '"' || quote == '\'') { strend = str + 1; while (*strend && *strend != quote) { if (*strend == '\\' && strend[1] && strend[1] == quote) strend += 2; else ++strend; } res = substring_conf(p, str + 1, strend - str - 1, quote); if (*strend == quote) ++strend; } else { if (*str == '#') ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING|APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Apache does not support line-end comments. Consider using quotes around argument: \"%s\"", str); strend = str; while (*strend && !ap_isspace(*strend)) ++strend; res = substring_conf(p, str, strend - str, 0); } while (*strend && ap_isspace(*strend)) ++strend; *line = strend; return res; } API_EXPORT(int) ap_cfg_closefile(configfile_t *cfp) { #ifdef DEBUG ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG|APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Done with config file %s", cfp->name); #endif return (cfp->close == NULL) ? 0 : cfp->close(cfp->param); } /* Common structure that holds the file and pool for ap_pcfg_openfile */ typedef struct { struct pool *pool; FILE *file; } poolfile_t; static int cfg_close(void *param) { poolfile_t *cfp = (poolfile_t *) param; return (ap_pfclose(cfp->pool, cfp->file)); } static int cfg_getch(void *param) { poolfile_t *cfp = (poolfile_t *) param; return (fgetc(cfp->file)); } static void *cfg_getstr(void *buf, size_t bufsiz, void *param) { poolfile_t *cfp = (poolfile_t *) param; return (fgets(buf, bufsiz, cfp->file)); } /* Open a configfile_t as FILE, return open configfile_t struct pointer */ API_EXPORT(configfile_t *) ap_pcfg_openfile(pool *p, const char *name) { configfile_t *new_cfg; poolfile_t *new_pfile; FILE *file; struct stat stbuf; int saved_errno; if (name == NULL) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called with NULL filename"); return NULL; } if (!ap_os_is_filename_valid(name)) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Access to config file %s denied: not a valid filename", name); errno = EACCES; return NULL; } #ifdef FOPEN_REQUIRES_T file = ap_pfopen(p, name, "rt"); #else file = ap_pfopen(p, name, "r"); #endif #ifdef DEBUG saved_errno = errno; ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG | APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Opening config file %s (%s)", name, (file == NULL) ? strerror(errno) : "successful"); errno = saved_errno; #endif if (file == NULL) return NULL; if (fstat(fileno(file), &stbuf) == 0 && !S_ISREG(stbuf.st_mode) && #if defined(WIN32) || defined(OS2) !(strcasecmp(name, "nul") == 0 || (strlen(name) >= 4 && strcasecmp(name + strlen(name) - 4, "/nul") == 0))) { #else strcmp(name, "/dev/null") != 0) { #endif /* WIN32 || OS2 */ saved_errno = errno; ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR | APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Access to file %s denied by server: not a regular file", name); ap_pfclose(p, file); errno = saved_errno; return NULL; } new_cfg = ap_palloc(p, sizeof(*new_cfg)); new_pfile = ap_palloc(p, sizeof(*new_pfile)); new_pfile->file = file; new_pfile->pool = p; new_cfg->param = new_pfile; new_cfg->name = ap_pstrdup(p, name); new_cfg->getch = (int (*)(void *)) cfg_getch; new_cfg->getstr = (void *(*)(void *, size_t, void *)) cfg_getstr; new_cfg->close = (int (*)(void *)) cfg_close; new_cfg->line_number = 0; return new_cfg; } /* Allocate a configfile_t handle with user defined functions and params */ API_EXPORT(configfile_t *) ap_pcfg_open_custom(pool *p, const char *descr, void *param, int(*getch)(void *param), void *(*getstr) (void *buf, size_t bufsiz, void *param), int(*close_func)(void *param)) { configfile_t *new_cfg = ap_palloc(p, sizeof(*new_cfg)); #ifdef DEBUG ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG | APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Opening config handler %s", descr); #endif new_cfg->param = param; new_cfg->name = descr; new_cfg->getch = getch; new_cfg->getstr = getstr; new_cfg->close = close_func; new_cfg->line_number = 0; return new_cfg; } /* Read one character from a configfile_t */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_cfg_getc(configfile_t *cfp) { register int ch = cfp->getch(cfp->param); if (ch == LF) ++cfp->line_number; return ch; } /* Read one line from open configfile_t, strip LF, increase line number */ /* If custom handler does not define a getstr() function, read char by char */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_cfg_getline(char *buf, size_t bufsize, configfile_t *cfp) { /* If a "get string" function is defined, use it */ if (cfp->getstr != NULL) { char *src, *dst; char *cp; char *cbuf = buf; size_t cbufsize = bufsize; while (1) { ++cfp->line_number; if (cfp->getstr(cbuf, cbufsize, cfp->param) == NULL) return 1; /* * check for line continuation, * i.e. match [^\\]\\[\r]\n only */ cp = cbuf; while (cp < cbuf+cbufsize && *cp != '\0') cp++; if (cp > cbuf && cp[-1] == LF) { cp--; if (cp > cbuf && cp[-1] == CR) cp--; if (cp > cbuf && cp[-1] == '\\') { cp--; if (!(cp > cbuf && cp[-1] == '\\')) { /* * line continuation requested - * then remove backslash and continue */ cbufsize -= (cp-cbuf); cbuf = cp; continue; } else { /* * no real continuation because escaped - * then just remove escape character */ for ( ; cp < cbuf+cbufsize && *cp != '\0'; cp++) cp[0] = cp[1]; } } } break; } /* * Leading and trailing white space is eliminated completely */ src = buf; while (ap_isspace(*src)) ++src; /* blast trailing whitespace */ dst = &src[strlen(src)]; while (--dst >= src && ap_isspace(*dst)) *dst = '\0'; /* Zap leading whitespace by shifting */ if (src != buf) for (dst = buf; (*dst++ = *src++) != '\0'; ) ; #ifdef DEBUG_CFG_LINES ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG|APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Read config: %s", buf); #endif return 0; } else { /* No "get string" function defined; read character by character */ register int c; register size_t i = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; /* skip leading whitespace */ do { c = cfp->getch(cfp->param); } while (c == '\t' || c == ' '); if (c == EOF) return 1; if(bufsize < 2) { /* too small, assume caller is crazy */ return 1; } while (1) { if ((c == '\t') || (c == ' ')) { buf[i++] = ' '; while ((c == '\t') || (c == ' ')) c = cfp->getch(cfp->param); } if (c == CR) { /* silently ignore CR (_assume_ that a LF follows) */ c = cfp->getch(cfp->param); } if (c == LF) { /* increase line number and return on LF */ ++cfp->line_number; } if (c == EOF || c == 0x4 || c == LF || i >= (bufsize - 2)) { /* * check for line continuation */ if (i > 0 && buf[i-1] == '\\') { i--; if (!(i > 0 && buf[i-1] == '\\')) { /* line is continued */ c = cfp->getch(cfp->param); continue; } /* else nothing needs be done because * then the backslash is escaped and * we just strip to a single one */ } /* blast trailing whitespace */ while (i > 0 && ap_isspace(buf[i - 1])) --i; buf[i] = '\0'; #ifdef DEBUG_CFG_LINES ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG|APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "Read config: %s", buf); #endif return 0; } buf[i] = c; ++i; c = cfp->getch(cfp->param); } } } /* Size an HTTP header field list item, as separated by a comma. * The return value is a pointer to the beginning of the non-empty list item * within the original string (or NULL if there is none) and the address * of field is shifted to the next non-comma, non-whitespace character. * len is the length of the item excluding any beginning whitespace. */ API_EXPORT(const char *) ap_size_list_item(const char **field, int *len) { const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)*field; const unsigned char *token; int in_qpair, in_qstr, in_com; /* Find first non-comma, non-whitespace byte */ while (*ptr == ',' || ap_isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr; token = ptr; /* Find the end of this item, skipping over dead bits */ for (in_qpair = in_qstr = in_com = 0; *ptr && (in_qpair || in_qstr || in_com || *ptr != ','); ++ptr) { if (in_qpair) { in_qpair = 0; } else { switch (*ptr) { case '\\': in_qpair = 1; /* quoted-pair */ break; case '"' : if (!in_com) /* quoted string delim */ in_qstr = !in_qstr; break; case '(' : if (!in_qstr) /* comment (may nest) */ ++in_com; break; case ')' : if (in_com) /* end comment */ --in_com; break; default : break; } } } if ((*len = (ptr - token)) == 0) { *field = (const char *)ptr; return NULL; } /* Advance field pointer to the next non-comma, non-white byte */ while (*ptr == ',' || ap_isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr; *field = (const char *)ptr; return (const char *)token; } /* Retrieve an HTTP header field list item, as separated by a comma, * while stripping insignificant whitespace and lowercasing anything not in * a quoted string or comment. The return value is a new string containing * the converted list item (or NULL if none) and the address pointed to by * field is shifted to the next non-comma, non-whitespace. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_get_list_item(pool *p, const char **field) { const char *tok_start; const unsigned char *ptr; unsigned char *pos; char *token; int addspace = 0, in_qpair = 0, in_qstr = 0, in_com = 0, tok_len = 0; /* Find the beginning and maximum length of the list item so that * we can allocate a buffer for the new string and reset the field. */ if ((tok_start = ap_size_list_item(field, &tok_len)) == NULL) { return NULL; } token = ap_palloc(p, tok_len + 1); /* Scan the token again, but this time copy only the good bytes. * We skip extra whitespace and any whitespace around a '=', '/', * or ';' and lowercase normal characters not within a comment, * quoted-string or quoted-pair. */ for (ptr = (const unsigned char *)tok_start, pos = (unsigned char *)token; *ptr && (in_qpair || in_qstr || in_com || *ptr != ','); ++ptr) { if (in_qpair) { in_qpair = 0; *pos++ = *ptr; } else { switch (*ptr) { case '\\': in_qpair = 1; if (addspace == 1) *pos++ = ' '; *pos++ = *ptr; addspace = 0; break; case '"' : if (!in_com) in_qstr = !in_qstr; if (addspace == 1) *pos++ = ' '; *pos++ = *ptr; addspace = 0; break; case '(' : if (!in_qstr) ++in_com; if (addspace == 1) *pos++ = ' '; *pos++ = *ptr; addspace = 0; break; case ')' : if (in_com) --in_com; *pos++ = *ptr; addspace = 0; break; case ' ' : case '\t': if (addspace) break; if (in_com || in_qstr) *pos++ = *ptr; else addspace = 1; break; case '=' : case '/' : case ';' : if (!(in_com || in_qstr)) addspace = -1; *pos++ = *ptr; break; default : if (addspace == 1) *pos++ = ' '; *pos++ = (in_com || in_qstr) ? *ptr : ap_tolower(*ptr); addspace = 0; break; } } } *pos = '\0'; return token; } /* Find an item in canonical form (lowercase, no extra spaces) within * an HTTP field value list. Returns 1 if found, 0 if not found. * This would be much more efficient if we stored header fields as * an array of list items as they are received instead of a plain string. */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_find_list_item(pool *p, const char *line, const char *tok) { const unsigned char *pos; const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)line; int good = 0, addspace = 0, in_qpair = 0, in_qstr = 0, in_com = 0; if (!line || !tok) return 0; do { /* loop for each item in line's list */ /* Find first non-comma, non-whitespace byte */ while (*ptr == ',' || ap_isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr; if (*ptr) good = 1; /* until proven otherwise for this item */ else break; /* no items left and nothing good found */ /* We skip extra whitespace and any whitespace around a '=', '/', * or ';' and lowercase normal characters not within a comment, * quoted-string or quoted-pair. */ for (pos = (const unsigned char *)tok; *ptr && (in_qpair || in_qstr || in_com || *ptr != ','); ++ptr) { if (in_qpair) { in_qpair = 0; if (good) good = (*pos++ == *ptr); } else { switch (*ptr) { case '\\': in_qpair = 1; if (addspace == 1) good = good && (*pos++ == ' '); good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); addspace = 0; break; case '"' : if (!in_com) in_qstr = !in_qstr; if (addspace == 1) good = good && (*pos++ == ' '); good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); addspace = 0; break; case '(' : if (!in_qstr) ++in_com; if (addspace == 1) good = good && (*pos++ == ' '); good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); addspace = 0; break; case ')' : if (in_com) --in_com; good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); addspace = 0; break; case ' ' : case '\t': if (addspace || !good) break; if (in_com || in_qstr) good = (*pos++ == *ptr); else addspace = 1; break; case '=' : case '/' : case ';' : if (!(in_com || in_qstr)) addspace = -1; good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); break; default : if (!good) break; if (addspace == 1) good = (*pos++ == ' '); if (in_com || in_qstr) good = good && (*pos++ == *ptr); else good = good && (*pos++ == ap_tolower(*ptr)); addspace = 0; break; } } } if (good && *pos) good = 0; /* not good if only a prefix was matched */ } while (*ptr && !good); return good; } /* Retrieve a token, spacing over it and returning a pointer to * the first non-white byte afterwards. Note that these tokens * are delimited by semis and commas; and can also be delimited * by whitespace at the caller's option. */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_get_token(pool *p, const char **accept_line, int accept_white) { const char *ptr = *accept_line; const char *tok_start; char *token; int tok_len; /* Find first non-white byte */ while (*ptr && ap_isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr; tok_start = ptr; /* find token end, skipping over quoted strings. * (comments are already gone). */ while (*ptr && (accept_white || !ap_isspace(*ptr)) && *ptr != ';' && *ptr != ',') { if (*ptr++ == '"') while (*ptr) if (*ptr++ == '"') break; } tok_len = ptr - tok_start; token = ap_pstrndup(p, tok_start, tok_len); /* Advance accept_line pointer to the next non-white byte */ while (*ptr && ap_isspace(*ptr)) ++ptr; *accept_line = ptr; return token; } /* find http tokens, see the definition of token from RFC2068 */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_find_token(pool *p, const char *line, const char *tok) { const unsigned char *start_token; const unsigned char *s; if (!line) return 0; s = (const unsigned char *)line; for (;;) { /* find start of token, skip all stop characters, note NUL * isn't a token stop, so we don't need to test for it */ while (TEST_CHAR(*s, T_HTTP_TOKEN_STOP)) { ++s; } if (!*s) { return 0; } start_token = s; /* find end of the token */ while (*s && !TEST_CHAR(*s, T_HTTP_TOKEN_STOP)) { ++s; } if (!strncasecmp((const char *)start_token, (const char *)tok, s - start_token)) { return 1; } if (!*s) { return 0; } } } API_EXPORT(int) ap_find_last_token(pool *p, const char *line, const char *tok) { int llen, tlen, lidx; if (!line) return 0; llen = strlen(line); tlen = strlen(tok); lidx = llen - tlen; if ((lidx < 0) || ((lidx > 0) && !(ap_isspace(line[lidx - 1]) || line[lidx - 1] == ','))) return 0; return (strncasecmp(&line[lidx], tok, tlen) == 0); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_shell_cmd(pool *p, const char *str) { char *cmd; unsigned char *d; const unsigned char *s; cmd = ap_palloc(p, 2 * strlen(str) + 1); /* Be safe */ d = (unsigned char *)cmd; s = (const unsigned char *)str; for (; *s; ++s) { #if defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) /* Don't allow '&' in parameters under OS/2. */ /* This can be used to send commands to the shell. */ if (*s == '&') { *d++ = ' '; continue; } #endif if (TEST_CHAR(*s, T_ESCAPE_SHELL_CMD)) { *d++ = '\\'; } *d++ = *s; } *d = '\0'; return cmd; } static char x2c(const char *what) { register char digit; #ifndef CHARSET_EBCDIC digit = ((what[0] >= 'A') ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (what[0] - '0')); digit *= 16; digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A') + 10 : (what[1] - '0')); #else /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/ char xstr[5]; xstr[0]='0'; xstr[1]='x'; xstr[2]=what[0]; xstr[3]=what[1]; xstr[4]='\0'; digit = os_toebcdic[0xFF & strtol(xstr, NULL, 16)]; #endif /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/ return (digit); } /* * Unescapes a URL. * Returns 0 on success, non-zero on error * Failure is due to * bad % escape returns BAD_REQUEST * * decoding %00 -> \0 * decoding %2f -> / (a special character) * returns NOT_FOUND */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_unescape_url(char *url) { register int x, y, badesc, badpath; badesc = 0; badpath = 0; for (x = 0, y = 0; url[y]; ++x, ++y) { if (url[y] != '%') url[x] = url[y]; else { if (!ap_isxdigit(url[y + 1]) || !ap_isxdigit(url[y + 2])) { badesc = 1; url[x] = '%'; } else { url[x] = x2c(&url[y + 1]); y += 2; if (url[x] == '/' || url[x] == '\0') badpath = 1; } } } url[x] = '\0'; if (badesc) return BAD_REQUEST; else if (badpath) return NOT_FOUND; else return OK; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_construct_server(pool *p, const char *hostname, unsigned port, const request_rec *r) { if (ap_is_default_port(port, r)) return ap_pstrdup(p, hostname); else { return ap_psprintf(p, "%s:%u", hostname, port); } } /* c2x takes an unsigned, and expects the caller has guaranteed that * 0 <= what < 256... which usually means that you have to cast to * unsigned char first, because (unsigned)(char)(x) first goes through * signed extension to an int before the unsigned cast. * * The reason for this assumption is to assist gcc code generation -- * the unsigned char -> unsigned extension is already done earlier in * both uses of this code, so there's no need to waste time doing it * again. */ static const char c2x_table[] = "0123456789abcdef"; static ap_inline unsigned char *c2x(unsigned what, unsigned char *where) { #ifdef CHARSET_EBCDIC what = os_toascii[what]; #endif /*CHARSET_EBCDIC*/ *where++ = '%'; *where++ = c2x_table[what >> 4]; *where++ = c2x_table[what & 0xf]; return where; } /* * escape_path_segment() escapes a path segment, as defined in RFC 1808. This * routine is (should be) OS independent. * * os_escape_path() converts an OS path to a URL, in an OS dependent way. In all * cases if a ':' occurs before the first '/' in the URL, the URL should be * prefixed with "./" (or the ':' escaped). In the case of Unix, this means * leaving '/' alone, but otherwise doing what escape_path_segment() does. For * efficiency reasons, we don't use escape_path_segment(), which is provided for * reference. Again, RFC 1808 is where this stuff is defined. * * If partial is set, os_escape_path() assumes that the path will be appended to * something with a '/' in it (and thus does not prefix "./"). */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_path_segment(pool *p, const char *segment) { char *copy = ap_palloc(p, 3 * strlen(segment) + 1); const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)segment; unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)copy; unsigned c; while ((c = *s)) { if (TEST_CHAR(c, T_ESCAPE_PATH_SEGMENT)) { d = c2x(c, d); } else { *d++ = c; } ++s; } *d = '\0'; return copy; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_os_escape_path(pool *p, const char *path, int partial) { char *copy = ap_palloc(p, 3 * strlen(path) + 3); const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char *)path; unsigned char *d = (unsigned char *)copy; unsigned c; if (!partial) { char *colon = strchr(path, ':'); char *slash = strchr(path, '/'); if (colon && (!slash || colon < slash)) { *d++ = '.'; *d++ = '/'; } } while ((c = *s)) { if (TEST_CHAR(c, T_OS_ESCAPE_PATH)) { d = c2x(c, d); } else { *d++ = c; } ++s; } *d = '\0'; return copy; } /* ap_escape_uri is now a macro for os_escape_path */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_html(pool *p, const char *s) { int i, j; char *x; /* first, count the number of extra characters */ for (i = 0, j = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) if (s[i] == '<' || s[i] == '>') j += 3; else if (s[i] == '&') j += 4; if (j == 0) return ap_pstrndup(p, s, i); x = ap_palloc(p, i + j + 1); for (i = 0, j = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++, j++) if (s[i] == '<') { memcpy(&x[j], "<", 4); j += 3; } else if (s[i] == '>') { memcpy(&x[j], ">", 4); j += 3; } else if (s[i] == '&') { memcpy(&x[j], "&", 5); j += 4; } else x[j] = s[i]; x[j] = '\0'; return x; } API_EXPORT(int) ap_is_directory(const char *path) { struct stat finfo; if (stat(path, &finfo) == -1) return 0; /* in error condition, just return no */ return (S_ISDIR(finfo.st_mode)); } /* * see ap_is_directory() except this one is symlink aware, so it * checks for a "real" directory */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_is_rdirectory(const char *path) { struct stat finfo; if (lstat(path, &finfo) == -1) return 0; /* in error condition, just return no */ return ((!(S_ISLNK(finfo.st_mode))) && (S_ISDIR(finfo.st_mode))); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_make_full_path(pool *a, const char *src1, const char *src2) { register int x; x = strlen(src1); if (x == 0) return ap_pstrcat(a, "/", src2, NULL); if (src1[x - 1] != '/') return ap_pstrcat(a, src1, "/", src2, NULL); else return ap_pstrcat(a, src1, src2, NULL); } /* * Check for an absoluteURI syntax (see section 3.2 in RFC2068). */ API_EXPORT(int) ap_is_url(const char *u) { register int x; for (x = 0; u[x] != ':'; x++) { if ((!u[x]) || ((!ap_isalpha(u[x])) && (!ap_isdigit(u[x])) && (u[x] != '+') && (u[x] != '-') && (u[x] != '.'))) { return 0; } } return (x ? 1 : 0); /* If the first character is ':', it's broken, too */ } API_EXPORT(int) ap_can_exec(const struct stat *finfo) { #ifdef MULTIPLE_GROUPS int cnt; #endif #if defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) /* OS/2 dosen't have Users and Groups */ return 1; #else if (ap_user_id == finfo->st_uid) if (finfo->st_mode & S_IXUSR) return 1; if (ap_group_id == finfo->st_gid) if (finfo->st_mode & S_IXGRP) return 1; #ifdef MULTIPLE_GROUPS for (cnt = 0; cnt < NGROUPS_MAX; cnt++) { if (group_id_list[cnt] == finfo->st_gid) if (finfo->st_mode & S_IXGRP) return 1; } #endif return ((finfo->st_mode & S_IXOTH) != 0); #endif } #ifdef NEED_STRDUP char *strdup(const char *str) { char *sdup; if (!(sdup = (char *) malloc(strlen(str) + 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "Ouch! Out of memory in our strdup()!\n"); return NULL; } sdup = strcpy(sdup, str); return sdup; } #endif /* The following two routines were donated for SVR4 by Andreas Vogel */ #ifdef NEED_STRCASECMP int strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b) { const char *p = a; const char *q = b; for (p = a, q = b; *p && *q; p++, q++) { int diff = ap_tolower(*p) - ap_tolower(*q); if (diff) return diff; } if (*p) return 1; /* p was longer than q */ if (*q) return -1; /* p was shorter than q */ return 0; /* Exact match */ } #endif #ifdef NEED_STRNCASECMP int strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n) { const char *p = a; const char *q = b; for (p = a, q = b; /*NOTHING */ ; p++, q++) { int diff; if (p == a + n) return 0; /* Match up to n characters */ if (!(*p && *q)) return *p - *q; diff = ap_tolower(*p) - ap_tolower(*q); if (diff) return diff; } /*NOTREACHED */ } #endif /* The following routine was donated for UTS21 by dwd@bell-labs.com */ #ifdef NEED_STRSTR char *strstr(char *s1, char *s2) { char *p1, *p2; if (*s2 == '\0') { /* an empty s2 */ return(s1); } while((s1 = strchr(s1, *s2)) != NULL) { /* found first character of s2, see if the rest matches */ p1 = s1; p2 = s2; while (*++p1 == *++p2) { if (*p1 == '\0') { /* both strings ended together */ return(s1); } } if (*p2 == '\0') { /* second string ended, a match */ break; } /* didn't find a match here, try starting at next character in s1 */ s1++; } return(s1); } #endif #ifdef NEED_INITGROUPS int initgroups(const char *name, gid_t basegid) { #if defined(QNX) || defined(MPE) || defined(BEOS) || defined(TPF) || defined(__TANDEM) || defined(NETWARE) || defined(BONE) /* QNX, MPE and BeOS do not appear to support supplementary groups. */ return 0; #else /* ndef QNX */ gid_t groups[NGROUPS_MAX]; struct group *g; int index = 0; setgrent(); groups[index++] = basegid; while (index < NGROUPS_MAX && ((g = getgrent()) != NULL)) if (g->gr_gid != basegid) { char **names; for (names = g->gr_mem; *names != NULL; ++names) if (!strcmp(*names, name)) groups[index++] = g->gr_gid; } endgrent(); return setgroups(index, groups); #endif /* def QNX */ } #endif /* def NEED_INITGROUPS */ #ifdef NEED_WAITPID /* From ikluft@amdahl.com * this is not ideal but it works for SVR3 variants * Modified by dwd@bell-labs.com to call wait3 instead of wait because * apache started to use the WNOHANG option. */ int waitpid(pid_t pid, int *statusp, int options) { int tmp_pid; if (kill(pid, 0) == -1) { errno = ECHILD; return -1; } while (((tmp_pid = wait3(statusp, options, 0)) != pid) && (tmp_pid != -1) && (tmp_pid != 0) && (pid != -1)) ; return tmp_pid; } #endif API_EXPORT(int) ap_ind(const char *s, char c) { register int x; for (x = 0; s[x]; x++) if (s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } API_EXPORT(int) ap_rind(const char *s, char c) { register int x; for (x = strlen(s) - 1; x != -1; x--) if (s[x] == c) return x; return -1; } API_EXPORT(void) ap_str_tolower(char *str) { while (*str) { *str = ap_tolower(*str); ++str; } } API_EXPORT(uid_t) ap_uname2id(const char *name) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) return (1); #else struct passwd *ent; if (name[0] == '#') return (atoi(&name[1])); if (!(ent = getpwnam(name))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad user name %s\n", ap_server_argv0, name); exit(1); } return (ent->pw_uid); #endif } API_EXPORT(gid_t) ap_gname2id(const char *name) { #if defined(WIN32) || defined(NETWARE) return (1); #else struct group *ent; if (name[0] == '#') return (atoi(&name[1])); if (!(ent = getgrnam(name))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad group name %s\n", ap_server_argv0, name); exit(1); } return (ent->gr_gid); #endif } /* * Parses a host of the form <address>[:port] * :port is permitted if 'port' is not NULL */ API_EXPORT(unsigned long) ap_get_virthost_addr(char *w, unsigned short *ports) { struct hostent *hep; unsigned long my_addr; char *p; p = strchr(w, ':'); if (ports != NULL) { *ports = 0; if (p != NULL && strcmp(p + 1, "*") != 0) *ports = atoi(p + 1); } if (p != NULL) *p = '\0'; if (strcmp(w, "*") == 0) { if (p != NULL) *p = ':'; return htonl(INADDR_ANY); } my_addr = ap_inet_addr((char *)w); if (my_addr != INADDR_NONE) { if (p != NULL) *p = ':'; return my_addr; } hep = gethostbyname(w); if ((!hep) || (hep->h_addrtype != AF_INET || !hep->h_addr_list[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot resolve host name %s --- exiting!\n", w); exit(1); } if (hep->h_addr_list[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "Host %s has multiple addresses ---\n", w); fprintf(stderr, "you must choose one explicitly for use as\n"); fprintf(stderr, "a virtual host. Exiting!!!\n"); exit(1); } if (p != NULL) *p = ':'; return ((struct in_addr *) (hep->h_addr))->s_addr; } static char *find_fqdn(pool *a, struct hostent *p) { int x; if (!strchr(p->h_name, '.')) { if (p->h_aliases) { for (x = 0; p->h_aliases[x]; ++x) { if (p->h_aliases[x] && strchr(p->h_aliases[x], '.') && (!strncasecmp(p->h_aliases[x], p->h_name, strlen(p->h_name)))) return ap_pstrdup(a, p->h_aliases[x]); } } return NULL; } return ap_pstrdup(a, (void *) p->h_name); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_get_local_host(pool *a) { #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256 #endif char str[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; char *server_hostname = NULL; struct hostent *p; #ifdef BEOS /* BeOS returns zero as an error for gethostname */ if (gethostname(str, sizeof(str) - 1) == 0) { #else if (gethostname(str, sizeof(str) - 1) != 0) { #endif /* BeOS */ ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_WARNING, NULL, "%s: gethostname() failed to determine ServerName\n", ap_server_argv0); } else { str[sizeof(str) - 1] = '\0'; if ((!(p = gethostbyname(str))) || (!(server_hostname = find_fqdn(a, p)))) { /* Recovery - return the default servername by IP: */ if (p && p->h_addr_list && p->h_addr_list[0]) { ap_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%pA", p->h_addr_list[0]); server_hostname = ap_pstrdup(a, str); /* We will drop through to report the IP-named server */ } } else /* Since we found a fqdn, return it with no logged message. */ return server_hostname; } /* If we don't have an fdqn or IP, fall back to the loopback addr */ if (!server_hostname) server_hostname = ap_pstrdup(a, ""); ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ALERT|APLOG_NOERRNO, NULL, "%s: Could not determine the server's fully qualified " "domain name, using %s for ServerName", ap_server_argv0, server_hostname); return server_hostname; } /* simple 'pool' alloc()ing glue to ap_base64.c */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_pbase64decode(pool *p, const char *bufcoded) { char *decoded; int l; decoded = (char *) ap_palloc(p, 1 + ap_base64decode_len(bufcoded)); l = ap_base64decode(decoded, bufcoded); decoded[l] = '\0'; /* make binary sequence into string */ return decoded; } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_pbase64encode(pool *p, char *string) { char *encoded; int l = strlen(string); encoded = (char *) ap_palloc(p, 1 + ap_base64encode_len(l)); l = ap_base64encode(encoded, string, l); encoded[l] = '\0'; /* make binary sequence into string */ return encoded; } /* deprecated names for the above two functions, here for compatibility */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_uudecode(pool *p, const char *bufcoded) { return ap_pbase64decode(p, bufcoded); } API_EXPORT(char *) ap_uuencode(pool *p, char *string) { return ap_pbase64encode(p, string); } #ifdef OS2 void os2pathname(char *path) { char newpath[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int loop; int offset; offset = 0; for (loop = 0; loop < (strlen(path) + 1) && loop < sizeof(newpath) - 1; loop++) { if (path[loop] == '/') { newpath[offset] = '\\'; /* offset = offset + 1; newpath[offset] = '\\'; */ } else newpath[offset] = path[loop]; offset = offset + 1; }; /* Debugging code */ /* fprintf(stderr, "%s \n", newpath); */ strcpy(path, newpath); }; /* quotes in the string are doubled up. * Used to escape quotes in args passed to OS/2's cmd.exe */ char *ap_double_quotes(pool *p, char *str) { int num_quotes = 0; int len = 0; char *quote_doubled_str, *dest; while (str[len]) { num_quotes += str[len++] == '\"'; } quote_doubled_str = ap_palloc(p, len + num_quotes + 1); dest = quote_doubled_str; while (*str) { if (*str == '\"') *(dest++) = '\"'; *(dest++) = *(str++); } *dest = 0; return quote_doubled_str; } #endif #ifdef NEED_STRERROR char * strerror(int err) { char *p; extern char *const sys_errlist[]; p = sys_errlist[err]; return (p); } #endif #if defined(NEED_DIFFTIME) double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time0) { return (time1 - time0); } #endif /* we want to downcase the type/subtype for comparison purposes * but nothing else because ;parameter=foo values are case sensitive. * XXX: in truth we want to downcase parameter names... but really, * apache has never handled parameters and such correctly. You * also need to compress spaces and such to be able to compare * properly. -djg */ API_EXPORT(void) ap_content_type_tolower(char *str) { char *semi; semi = strchr(str, ';'); if (semi) { *semi = '\0'; } while (*str) { *str = ap_tolower(*str); ++str; } if (semi) { *semi = ';'; } } /* * Given a string, replace any bare " with \" . */ API_EXPORT(char *) ap_escape_quotes (pool *p, const char *instring) { int newlen = 0; const char *inchr = instring; char *outchr, *outstring; /* * Look through the input string, jogging the length of the output * string up by an extra byte each time we find an unescaped ". */ while (*inchr != '\0') { newlen++; if (*inchr == '"') { newlen++; } /* * If we find a slosh, and it's not the last byte in the string, * it's escaping something - advance past both bytes. */ if ((*inchr == '\\') && (inchr[1] != '\0')) { inchr++; newlen++; } inchr++; } outstring = ap_palloc(p, newlen + 1); inchr = instring; outchr = outstring; /* * Now copy the input string to the output string, inserting a slosh * in front of every " that doesn't already have one. */ while (*inchr != '\0') { if ((*inchr == '\\') && (inchr[1] != '\0')) { *outchr++ = *inchr++; *outchr++ = *inchr++; } if (*inchr == '"') { *outchr++ = '\\'; } if (*inchr != '\0') { *outchr++ = *inchr++; } } *outchr = '\0'; return outstring; } /* dest = src with whitespace removed * length of dest assumed >= length of src */ API_EXPORT(void) ap_remove_spaces(char *dest, char *src) { while (*src) { if (!ap_isspace(*src)) *dest++ = *src; src++; } *dest = 0; }