% lwp-download http://www.apache.org/dist/apache_x.xx.tar.gz
% lwp-download http://perl.apache.org/dist/mod_perl-x.xx.tar.gz
% lwp-download http://www.apache-ssl.org/.../apache_x.x.x+ssl_x.xx.tar.gz
% tar -zxf apache_x.xx.tar.gz
% cd apache_x.xx
% tar -zxf ../apache_x.x.x+ssl_x.xx.tar.gz
% patch < SSLpatch
% <edit the src/Configuration file if needed>
% cd -
% tar -zxf mod_perl-x.xx.tar.gz
% cd mod_perl-x.xx
% perl Makefile.PL && make test && make install
     (answer 'y' to the 2 prompts below)
% Configure mod_perl with ../apache_x.xx/src ? [y] y
% Shall I build httpd in ../apache_x.xx/src for you? [y] y
     (... see make stuff here ...)
% cp ../apache_x.xx/src/httpsd <to wherever your httpsd lives>