use File::Copy qw(cp); #version 1.5 that ships with 5.003 is broken! undef &cp, *cp = sub { system "cp @_"; } if $File::Copy::VERSION < 2.0; use ExtUtils::testlib; BEGIN { require "net/"; } require LWP::UserAgent; #first one queries httpd for enabled hooks, #generating a hook::handler() for each and writing t/docs/.htaccess #next request invokes each handler, each appending to t/docs/hooks.txt my $stacked_test = -d "../docs/stacked" or -d "./docs/stacked"; if($stacked_test) { push @urls, qw(/stacked/test.html) ; for (qw(.. .)) { cp "$_/docs/", "../$_/blib/lib" if -e "$_/docs/"; } } @urls = ("$net::perldir/", "/test.html"); my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; # create a useragent to test my($request,$response,$str,$hook_tests,$loc,%Seen); $hook_tests = 0; foreach $loc (@urls) { $url = new URI::URL("http://$net::httpserver$loc"); $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $url); print "GET $url\n\n"; $response = $ua->request($request, undef, undef); $str = $response->as_string; print "$str\n"; die "$str\n" unless $response->is_success; $hook_tests = $response->content if $response->content =~ /^\d+$/; } unless ($hook_tests > 0) { #no callbacks enabled, fine. print "1..1\nok 1\n"; print "no callbacks defined, skipping tests...\n"; exit; } print "1..$hook_tests\n"; $i = 0; #if mod_mime is configured shared and mod_perl static, #PerlTypeHandler wont be run my $forgive = 1; open HOOKS, "docs/hooks.txt"; while(<HOOKS>) { chomp; s/^\s*//; s/\s*$//; next unless $_; next if $Seen{$_}++; $i++; print "ok $i\n"; last if $i >= $hook_tests; } close HOOKS; if ($i < $hook_tests) { for (1..$forgive) { ++$i; print "ok $i\n"; } } END { unlink "docs/.htaccess"; }