Revision history for Perl extension XML::SAX.
- Base: Merged in XML::SAX::Base 1.04 (including memory leak fixes)
- ParserFactory: Made it do what the docs say when you specify
a module version number.
- SAX: Fixed XML::SAX::Intro typo.
- ParserFactory: Fixed (and test) broken version in parser pkg
- PurePerl: Fixed PubidChar missing '-'
- ParserFactory: Allow version in parser package
- PurePerl: Performance enhancements
- PurePerl: Line End handling implemented.
- PurePerl: Attribute Value Normalization implemented (mostly).
- PurePerl: Fixed element copying for end_element.
0.08 Wed Jan 30, 2002
- Fixes for perl 5.7.2
0.07 Tue Jan 29, 2002
- Fixed higher utf8 chars to work on both 5.005 and 5.6.1
(not tested on 5.6.0 since it's a bad perl)
0.06 Mon Jan 28, 2002
- Fixed empty ParserDetails.ini bug
- Fixed overwriting ParserDetails.ini bug
- Added ability to specify dir to ParserDetails.ini
0.05 Mon Jan 21, 2002
- Updated PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL
- Updated Docs
0.04 Mon Jan 21, 2002
- More PurePerl updates and fixes
- Added DocumentLocator class
- Added remove_parser() to XML::SAX
- Changes lost. Mostly PurePerl parser updates
0.02 Wed Nov 14 2001
- Removed windows line endings so perldocs look ok.
- Fixed some docs
0.01 Mon Nov 5 22:24:06 2001
- original version; created by elves and penguins v1.32