1.00  2015-05-30
  - pass perl critic
  - count root attempts as naughty (was failed)
  - updated version check to GitHub URL

0.28  2013-12-10
  - added fix for FTP log parsing, m/ / -> m/\s+/ for WS split
  - added vpopmail vchkpw-smtp parsing (limit SMTP brute-force)
  - added check_sentry NRPE plugin, for Nagios monitoring

0.27  2013-12-03
  - added fix for ssh log parsing, m/ / -> m/\s+/ for WS split
  - added dovecot log parsing (limit POP & IMAP brute-force)

  - added the skeleton of a CPAN dist
  - fix for unblacklist not removing from tcpwrappers (sn3ak)

0.25  2013-04-02 -mps
  - Adds IPv6 support if Net::IP is installed
  - switched from file/dir to DB|GDBM|NDBM (whichever is installed)
    - automatically imports old format into DB (uses FAR less disk space)
    - reporting even a million connections is practically instant
  - added error messages where failures were previously handled silently

0.22  2012-03-07 -mps
  - adjusted SYNOPSIS docs so usage syntax is clearer -ian
  - added POD docs for update feature

0.21  2010-01-03 -mps
  - removed wc TODO after testing. Using wc is no faster than perls builtin
    methods. Added notes to EFFICIENT portion of man page.

0.20  2010-06-03 -mps
  - POD cleanups

0.19  2010-04-22 -mps
  - added methods _unblock_tcpwrappers, _unblock_pf, unblock_ipfw. When
    unblocking an IP, also remove the IP from the tcpd/firewall

0.18  2010-04-22 -mps
  - added FTP log parsing
  - properly account for FreeBSD + sshd + PAM logins
  - if an IP is whitelisted and blacklisted, remove from blacklist
  - IPs were getting whitelisted and blacklisted, because the do_???list subs
    were not returning a success code "do_ and exit;". Added missing result
    code and altered methods to not depend on them "do_; exit;".
  - sentry.pl wasn't being installed unless --update was selected. If no
    version is installed, install anyway.
  - when doing an IP report, show the log file entries if --verbose
  - if FTP logs are enabled but not found, report error.

0.17  2010-01-18 -mps
  - updates to pod docs and comments. -mps
  - added a couple more sshd log pattern matches
  - reworked the --update feature, works better.

0.16  2009-06-15 -mps
  - ssh log entries that didn't meet the listed criteria were not being
    counted, preventing the 10 strikes and you're out rule from kicking in

0.15  2009-06-09 -mps
  - added ssh probe detection in log parser (spurred on by Kevin Golding)

0.14  2009-04-15 -mps
  - rewrote portions of the pod docs
  - added method version_check, (checks tnpi web site for latest version)
  - abstracted self_update and configure_tcpwrappers out of check_setup

0.12  2009-04-14 -mps
  - pf table in docs was sentry, updated to sentry_blacklist (make docs match
    the code (thanks Kevin Golding).
  - pfctl add/remove was not working properly. Fixed and tested.

0.11  2009-03-01 -mps
  - fixed some bugs in the POD documentation
  - skip setup checks when --help is selected

2009-03-01 -mps
  - added --help option, based on usability study
  - sprinkled a few comments in various places
  - added a few more file tests before attempting to open file handles
  - added better error handling for file accessing methods
  - added placeholder _parse_mail_logs

2009-02-28 -mps
  - CentOS 5.2 logs this IP to syslog: but the 'address' it logs
    to hosts via %a is ::ffff: Sure would be nice if that change
    was documented in hosts_access(5).
  - warn if unable to determine syslog location for sshd

2009-02-27 -mps
  - discovered and worked around an 'interesting' problem in external files
    referenced by some implementations of tcpwrappers
  - fixed a copy/paste induced bug preventing delist from working on whitelist
  - updated syslog finding script to be more robust on various platforms
  - added checks for read permission to $root_dir before attempting to report
    or setup

2009-02-26 -mps
  - firewalls off by default
  - if selected, report is dispatched first
  - script will self-install itself in $root_dir if it doesn't exist there
  - don't require an IP for reports
  - added warnings when common and important operations fail
  - added report summary (-v -r)
  - added pod documentation

2009-02-25 -mps
  - reworked the tcpwrappers black/whitelisting after discovery that libwrap
    doesn't include the very handy file include feature that tcpwrappers has
    on FreeBSD and Linux
  - if hosts.allow and deny are missing, auto-configure them
  - added default log locations for numerous platforms