Revision history for Perl extension Finance::QuoteHist.

1.04  Fri Jan  6 12:18:59 EST 2006
    - Compensated for yahoo symbol switch from ^DJA to ^DJI, which was
      causing some tests to fail.
    - Updated quotemedia url.

1.03  Wed Nov  2 16:52:30 EST 2005
    - Minor bug fixes
    - Forced date calcs to GMT to avoid some cygwin/win errors
    - Added auto_proxy, enabled during tests so that if $ENV{HTTP_PROXY}
      is present $ua->env_proxy will be automatically invoked
    - Tests will skip if network connectivity cannot be established

1.02  Wed Aug  3 14:46:43 EDT 2005
    - Fixed Date::Manip requirement that was inadvertently dropped.

1.01  Thu Jul 21 13:29:54 EDT 2005
    - Added conditional support for Text::CSV_PP in cases where
      Text::CSV_XS is not installed
    - Split out tests

1.00  Thu Jun 23 16:25:53 EDT 2005
    - Reworked Yahoo! queries for new interface
    - Added quotes from QuoteMedia (they supply SiliconInvestor, so that
      was dropped)
    - Date constraints relaxed. No end date defaults to 'today', no
      start date defaults to inception. Having neither date grabs
      entire history.
    ! Internal API changed from symbolic dereferencing to supplying
      closures and iterators for particular targets and parse modes.

    - Broke up Yahoo! csv queries into blocks of 1000, as apparently
      Yahoo! sometimes puts a cap on these sort of queries (thanks to
      Jay Strauss)

0.32  Thu Aug 14 13:37:36 EDT 2003
    - Fixed csv parsing for Yahoo dividend data after they fixed
      their format
    - Updated test data

0.31  Thu Jan 16 19:20:31 GMT 2003
    - Rolled back some 5.6 specific syntax

0.30  Fri Nov  8 16:47:07 EST 2002
    - adjusted volume fix (column labeling snafu)
    - extraneous status messages fixed for split extrations
    - added filtered split and filtered dividend tests

0.29  Thu Oct 17 04:36:05 EDT 2002
    - Patched Yahoo URL interface since they switched to January = 00
      rather than 01.

0.28  Thu Feb 28 08:23:08 CST 2002
    - Updated Yahoo interface, incorporating new changes.
    - added proxy_env parameter and method to ease proxy handling via
    - Added (basic source)
    - Removed (apparently defunct)
    - Removed (no longer offers tabular data, plus login
      now required for historical info)

0.25  Mon Jan  8 19:35:00 CST 2001
    - Doc cleanup

0.24  Wed Nov 29 02:28:59 CST 2000
    - Replaced FinancialWeb with SiliconInvestor in order to provide
      information on defunct ticker symbols -- FinancialWeb ceased
      coverage of these symbols.

0.23  Thu Nov  2 15:19:00 CST 2000
    - Fixed cache bug with Yahoo::source_type()
    - Documentation revisions and fixes

0.21  Wed Sep 13 13:25:35 CDT 2000
    - Splits and dividends added
    - Much faster queries, primarily due to taking advantage of Yahoo
      and CSV-formatted data, when available
    - Supports grabbing non-adjusted data, as well as notification when
      transitioning to a site that cannot provide non-adjusted data
    - Supports auto-adjusting of non-adjusted quotes for tables that
      include an adjusted column (like Yahoo in HTML mode)
    - Information pedigree support -- i.e., from which site did the
      quote/split/dividend data come for a particular ticker symbol
    - Revised interface, although the old one is mostly still supported
      (read the docs!)
    - Defunct ticker symbols still supported (quotes only, no

0.01  Wed Feb  2 18:24:07 CST 2000
    - Initial version.