Revision history for Perl extension HTML-CalendarMonth.
1.07 Wed Nov 8 01:42:40 CST 2000
- Day-of-week bug REALLY fixed. Should now work
properly with all perumutations of calendar
pecularities and concepts of what the first
day of the week should be.
1.06 Wed Oct 4 13:37:31 CDT 2000
- Day-of-week bug fixed for cases where Sunday is
the first day of the month (such as Oct, 2000),
or last day of the month (such as Dec, 2000),
over various configurations of what is considered
the first day of the week.
1.04 Sun Sep 17 12:13:40 CDT 2000
- Documentation tweaks and corrections.
1.03 Wed Apr 26 12:06:23 CDT 2000
- Added HTML::ElementTable dependency check in Makefile.PL
- Various bug fixes, under less common circumstances.
- Code syntax tweaks.
1.02 Tue Jan 25 20:05:05 CST 2000
- Cleaned up -w noise
- Added mailing list information
1.01 Thu Sep 16 15:33:41 CDT 1999
- Distribution patch
- Purged erroneus Date::Manip references
1.00 Tue Jul 27 21:55:43 CDT 1999
- abstracted item/coord translations to cell refs
rather than redundant coord lookups
- initial release
0.09 Thu Jul 8 19:02:39 CDT 1999
- added week counts and arbitrary 1st DOW
0.08 Fri Jul 10 19:58:28 1998
- first public version