package Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter; { $Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter::VERSION = '4.300030'; } # ABSTRACT: distribution builder; installer not included! use Moose 0.92; # role composition fixes extends 'Dist::Zilla'; use File::pushd (); use Moose::Autobox; use Path::Class; use namespace::autoclean; sub _setup_default_plugins { my ($self) = @_; unless ($self->plugin_named(':DefaultModuleMaker')) { require Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateModule; my $plugin = Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateModule->new({ plugin_name => ':DefaultModuleMaker', zilla => $self, }); $self->plugins->push($plugin); } } sub _new_from_profile { my ($class, $profile_data, $arg) = @_; $arg ||= {}; my $config_class = $arg->{config_class} ||= 'Dist::Zilla::MVP::Reader::Finder'; Class::MOP::load_class($config_class); $arg->{chrome}->logger->log_debug( { prefix => '[DZ] ' }, "reading configuration using $config_class" ); require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::Zilla; require Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section; my $assembler = Dist::Zilla::MVP::Assembler::Zilla->new({ chrome => $arg->{chrome}, zilla_class => $class, section_class => 'Dist::Zilla::MVP::Section', # make this DZMA default }); for ($assembler->sequence->section_named('_')) { $_->add_value(name => $arg->{name}); $_->add_value(chrome => $arg->{chrome}); $_->add_value(_global_stashes => $arg->{_global_stashes}) if $arg->{_global_stashes}; } my $module = String::RewritePrefix->rewrite( { '' => 'Dist::Zilla::MintingProfile::', '=', => '' }, $profile_data->[0], ); Class::MOP::load_class($module); my $profile_dir = $module->profile_dir($profile_data->[1]); $assembler->sequence->section_named('_')->add_value(root => $profile_dir); my $seq = $config_class->read_config( $profile_dir->file('profile'), { assembler => $assembler }, ); my $self = $seq->section_named('_')->zilla; $self->_setup_default_plugins; return $self; } sub _mint_target_dir { my ($self) = @_; my $name = $self->name; my $dir = dir($name); $self->log_fatal("./$name already exists") if -e $dir; return $dir = $dir->absolute; } sub mint_dist { my ($self, $arg) = @_; my $name = $self->name; my $dir = $self->_mint_target_dir; # XXX: We should have a way to get more than one module name in, and to # supply plugin names for the minter to use. -- rjbs, 2010-05-03 my @modules = do { (my $module_name = $name) =~ s/-/::/g; ({ name => $module_name }); }; $self->log("making target dir $dir"); $dir->mkpath; my $wd = File::pushd::pushd($self->root); $_->before_mint for $self->plugins_with(-BeforeMint)->flatten; for my $module (@modules) { my $minter = $self->plugin_named( $module->{minter_name} || ':DefaultModuleMaker' ); $minter->make_module({ name => $module->{name} }) } $_->gather_files for $self->plugins_with(-FileGatherer)->flatten; $_->prune_files for $self->plugins_with(-FilePruner)->flatten; $_->munge_files for $self->plugins_with(-FileMunger)->flatten; $self->_check_dupe_files; $self->log("writing files to $dir"); for my $file ($self->files->flatten) { $self->_write_out_file($file, $dir); } $_->after_mint({ mint_root => $dir }) for $self->plugins_with(-AfterMint)->flatten; $self->log("dist minted in ./$name"); } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Dist::Zilla::Dist::Minter - distribution builder; installer not included! =head1 VERSION version 4.300030 =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo SIGNES <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Ricardo SIGNES. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut