exit 0; #line 2 # The above line will be stripped off during `make` # # WebSearch.PL # Copyright (C) 1996-1997 by USC/ISI # $Id: WebSearch-code.pl,v 1.10 2005/01/16 04:20:21 Daddy Exp $ # # Complete copyright notice follows below. sub usage { my $msg = shift; defined($msg) && ($msg ne '') && print STDERR "$0: $msg\n"; print STDERR <<"END"; usage: WebSearch [--engine <name>] [--gui] [--max <integer>] [--options <key=value>]... [--count] [--terse] [--all] [--raw] [--list] [--verbose] [--VERSION] [--help] [--host <hostname>] [--port <portnum>] [--username bbunny --password c4rr0t5] [--lwpdebug] [--debug] query Make a query to a web search engine, printing to STDOUT the URLs which match (one per line). See `perldoc WebSearch` for details. END exit 1; } # usage =head1 NAME WebSearch - a web-searching application demonstrating WWW::Search =head1 SYNOPSIS B<WebSearch [-m MaxCount] [-e SearchEngine] [-o option] [-o option...] [-ardvV] query> =head1 DESCRIPTION This program is provides a command-line interface to web search engines, listing all URLs found for a given query. This program also provides a simple demonstration of the WWW::Search Perl library for web searches. The program supports a number of search engines; use WebSearch --list to see which backends are installed. A more sophisticated client is L<AutoSearch> which maintains a change list of found objects. For examples and hints about searches, see L<AutoSearch>. =head1 OPTIONS WebSearch uses Getopt::Long, so you can use double-minus with long option names, or single-minus with one-letter abbreviations. =over 8 =item --engine e_name, -e e_name The string e_name is the name of (the module for) the desired search engine. Capitalization matters. See `perldoc WWW::Search` to find out what the default is (probably Null). Use --list to get a list of installed backends. =item --gui, -g Perform the search to mimic the default browser-based search. Not implemented for all backends, see the documentation for each backend. =item --list Prints to STDERR a \n-separated list of installed backends. =item --max max_count, -m max_count Specify the maximum number of hits to retrieve. =item --option o_string, -o o_string Specify a search-engine option in the form 'key=value' (or just 'key'). Can be repeated for as many options are needed. Keys can be repeated. =item --count, -c As the first line of output, print the approximate hit count. As the last line of output, print the actual hit count. =item --terse, -t Do not print any URLs. Only useful if you also specify --count. If you specify --terse but not --count, there will be no output no matter how many hits are found! =item --all, -a For each hit result, print all the URLs that the search engine indicated were equivalent to it. (Some URLs may refer to the same object.) Can be combined with --verbose; can not be combined with --raw. =item --raw, -r For each hit result, print the raw HTML. Not implemented for all backends. =item --verbose, -v Verbose mode. Enumerate the returned URLs and show the description, score, date, etc. for each. =item --VERSION, -V Print version information and exit immediately. =item --debug <i>, -d <i> Display back-end debugging information (with debug level <i>) =item --host <hostname.sub.domain> Set the _host option for the WWW::Search object (backend-dependent). =item --port <i> Set the _port option for the WWW::Search object (backend-dependent). =item --username <bbunny> Set the username with which to login to the backend. =item --password <c4rr0t5> Set the password with which to login to the backend. =item --lwpdebug, -l Display low-level libwww-perl debugging information =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES The environment variable F<http_proxy> (or F<HTTP_PROXY>) specifies a proxy, if any. =head1 SEE ALSO For the library, see L<WWW::Search>. For a more sophisticated client, see L<AutoSearch>. =head1 AUTHOR C<WebSearch> was written by John Heidemann, <johnh@isi.edu>. C<WebSearch> is maintained by Martin Thurn, <mthurn@cpan.org>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1996-1997 University of Southern California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation, advertising materials, and other materials related to such distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed by the University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute. The name of the University may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut use strict; &usage('no arguments given') if ($#ARGV == -1); # &usage if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq '-?'); use Getopt::Long; use WWW::Search; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = '2.14'; use vars qw( $sEngine $all $verbose $raw $iMax $print_version $debuglwp $debug ); use vars qw( @options $_host $_port $help $iShowCount $iGui $opt_list ); use vars qw( $opt_username $opt_password ); # Set default values: $iShowCount = 0; $iGui = 0; my $iTerse = 0; $_host = ''; $_port = ''; $sEngine = ''; undef $debug; $debuglwp = 0; $opt_list = 0; # Get the command-line options: &Getopt::Long::config(qw(no_ignore_case no_getopt_compat)); &usage('getopt failed') unless &GetOptions('all', \$all, 'count', \$iShowCount, 'debug:i', \$debug, 'engine=s', \$sEngine, 'gui', \$iGui, 'help', \$help, 'host=s', \$_host, 'list', 'lwpdebug', \$debuglwp, 'max=i', \$iMax, 'options=s@', \@options, 'password=s', 'port=s', \$_port, 'raw', \$raw, 'terse', \$iTerse, 'username=s', 'verbose', \$verbose, 'VERSION', \$print_version, ); &usage('user requested help') if $help; $debug = 1 if (defined($debug) and ($debug < 1)); &print_version() if defined($print_version); &list_engines() if ($opt_list); # there MUST be some argument(s) left, the query: &usage('no query found on command line') if (scalar(@ARGV) <= 0); &main(join(" ", @ARGV)); exit 0; sub print_version { print "$0 version $VERSION\nWWW::Search version $WWW::Search::VERSION\n"; if ($sEngine ne '') { my $mod = "WWW::Search::$sEngine"; if (eval "use $mod; 1;") { my $e = '$'. $mod .'::VERSION'; # print STDERR " + e is ===$e===\n"; my $iVersion = eval $e; $iVersion ||= 'unknown'; print "$mod version $iVersion\n"; } # if } # if exit 0; } # print_version sub list_engines { my @as = WWW::Search::installed_engines(); $, = "\n"; print STDERR (sort @as), ''; exit 0; } # list_engines my $verbose_code; sub print_result { my($result, $count) = @_; return if $iTerse; my($prefix) = ""; if ($verbose) { my(@attribs) = (); $prefix = "$count. "; if (!defined($verbose_code)) { $verbose_code = ""; foreach (qw(title description score normalized_score size change_date index_date)) { $verbose_code .= "push(\@attribs, \"$_: \" . \$result->$_())\n" . "\tif (defined(\$result->$_()));\n"; }; }; eval $verbose_code; $prefix .= "(" . join(",\n\t", @attribs) . ")\n\t" if ($#attribs >= 0); }; if (defined($all)) { foreach ($result->urls()) { print "$prefix$_\n"; $prefix = "\t"; }; } else { if (defined($raw)) { print $result->raw(), "\n"; } else { print $prefix, $result->url, "\n"; }; }; } sub print_error { my ($msg, $count) = @_; my $error = $verbose ? sprintf("[%3d] ", $count) : ''; $error .= $msg; print STDERR $error, "\n" if $error ne ''; } sub main { my $query = shift; my $count = 0; my $search = new WWW::Search($sEngine); $search->{_host} = $_host if $_host ne ''; $search->{_port} = $_port if $_port ne ''; my %hsOptions = (); if (0 < $debuglwp) { require LWP::Debug; LWP::Debug::level('+'); } $search->http_proxy($ENV{'HTTP_PROXY'}) if ($ENV{'HTTP_PROXY'}); $search->http_proxy($ENV{'http_proxy'}) if ($ENV{'http_proxy'}); if (0 < scalar(@options)) { foreach my $sPair (@options) { if ($sPair =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/) { my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2); # This is a bit of a hack. A set of CGI options is not # strictly a hash, because multiple values for the same key # can be specified. To get around this, we rely on the fact # that this hash of options is only used to construct a CGI # parameter list. If we see multiple values for the same key, # we append the multiple values onto the value of the key in # CGI '?key=value' format. if (exists($hsOptions{$key}) && $hsOptions{$key} ne '') { # There was already an option of this key given; append # multiple values as CGI arguments: $hsOptions{$key} .= '&'.$key.'='.WWW::Search::escape_query($value); } # if exists else { # This is the only instance of this key; just insert the # hash value: $hsOptions{$key} = WWW::Search::escape_query($value); } } # if option is of the form key=value else { $hsOptions{$sPair} = ''; } } # foreach $sPair } # if @options if (defined($iMax)) { $search->maximum_to_retrieve($iMax); } else { $iMax = 10000; } $hsOptions{'search_debug'} = $debug if (defined($debug) and (0 < $debug)); $iGui ? $search->gui_query(WWW::Search::escape_query($query), \%hsOptions) : $search->native_query(WWW::Search::escape_query($query), \%hsOptions); $search->login($opt_username, $opt_password); my($way) = 0; # 0=piecemeal, 1=all at once my($result); if (($iShowCount) && defined($search->approximate_result_count)) { print "There are approximately " if $verbose; print $search->approximate_result_count; print " results." if $verbose; print "\n"; } # if my $iNumPrinted = 0; if ($way) # return all at once. { foreach $result ($search->results()) { print_result($result, ++$count); $iNumPrinted++; last if ($iMax < $count); }; } else # return page by page { while ($result = $search->next_result()) { print_result($result, ++$count); $iNumPrinted++; last if ($iMax < $count); } # while } # else page by page if ($iShowCount) { print "There are exactly " if $verbose; print $iNumPrinted; print " results (maximum of $iMax were requested)." if $verbose; print "\n"; } # if # handle errors if ($count == 0) { my($response) = $search->response(); my $nothing = $verbose ? "Nothing found." : ''; if ($response->is_success) { print_error($nothing, $count); } else { print_error("Error: " . $response->as_string(), $count); }; }; };