Revision history for Bio::RNA::RNAaliSplit

0.03    Fri Mar 03 2017
	- initial release
        - packaged for distribution as Perl module

0.04	Sun Mar 12 2017
	- fixed an error in MANIFEST; File::ShareDir::Install v0.11 is now
	  shipped with the distribution
	- strict depencency on ViennaRNA >=v2.3.4 
	- use Test::Prereq for dependency testing

0.05	Sun May 28 2017
	- ship with Version::Control for checking versions of third party
	- remove obsolete symbols
	- use FileDirUtil consistently instead of custom 

0.06	 Wed Feb 28 2018
        - added R-scape wrapper
	- added scripts/
	- added Path::Class::File dependency to Makefile.PL
	- added WrapRscape test