Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm-SAT-Backtracking
0.08 2015-01-25T16:27:13Z
- POD fixes
0.07 2015-01-25T16:11:36Z
- Added DPLL Ordered variant, keeps hash ordering when building the solution
- updating POD
0.05 2015-01-23T10:42:36Z
- code refactoring, added DPLL variant
0.04 2014-12-07T16:50:57Z
- replacing Logical Defined-Or for legacy perl support
0.03 2014-12-04T14:31:08Z
- Fixes to Algorithm::SAT::Expression
0.02 2014-12-03T11:30:42Z
- Added Algorithm::SAT::Expression>
0.01 2014-12-01T14:45:58Z
- first release