0.01 Wed Jul 3 19:19:46 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-n Data::Type -X
Migrated from 'Data::Verify' to 'Data::Type' namespace
Removed the pre-alpha disclaimer from README
This now is alpha software
added IType::W3C Interface where types from http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xmlschema-2-20010502/ are implemented
changed 'Function' namespace to 'Facet' conforming w3c
added HEX, BINARY types
* Introduced various changes, thanks to https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1930
posted by Henrik Tougaard via RT
- 'DATE' type now accepts parameters DATE( [ 'MYSQL','DATEPARSE' ] ) where MYSQL (default) is the
mysql builtin data type behaviour and DATAPARSE leads to Data::Parse's str2time function use.
- Introduced locale support (added empty package Data::Type::Locale)
- separated localizable type parameters to methods, so they are overridable through inheriting
localized types:
Example Type::dk_yesno vs Type::yesno (snipped sourcecode):
package Type::yesno;
our @ISA = qw(IType::String);
sub info
my $this = shift;
return sprintf q{a simple answer (%s)}, join( ', ', $this->choice ) ;
sub choice { qw(yes no) }
package Type::dk_yesno;
our @ISA = qw(Type::yesno);
sub export { qw(DK::YESNO) };
sub choice { qw(mand kvinde) }
* Export names for types are now accessible via 'export' method ( dk_yesno => DK::YESNO for instance ).
* Types now have their own $VERSION
* Some minor changes
- rename IType:: info() to desc() for better distinguishing in toc(), because of a bug during
@ISA traversal and IType:: identification (added _unique_ordered for using only unique desc's).
- toc() now lists also export alias's
- regex's are now centralized and accessible via Regex::list( 'key' );
* Changed the Data::Type::Guard attribute 'types' to 'allow', because was ambiguous with types per se.
* New group IType::Business (see toc).
* Some minor changes
- toc() now sorts types alphanumeretically
- IType:: Groups also get version
- added type version number to catalog() output
* added dverify( ) which is die'ing instead of throwing exceptions to the people:
dverify( $email, EMAIL ) or die $!;
* renamed 'choice' method for Type:: types to 'param'.
* Some minor changes
- Type::* package now supports new method C< sub depends {qw(CPAN::aModule)} > for retrieval of
a dependency tree, which type made Data::Type require what.
- added Data::Verify::depends() which returns a dependency list for types requiring other modules.
* Introduced:
- %Data::Type::alias holds alias names for types (these listed by export method) ie.
package Type::something;
sub export { qw( a1 a2 ) }
results $Data::Type::alias{a1} returning 'something' etc.
- New version numbering with cvs revision number ( <main version>.<cvs revision> )
* Bugfixes:
- forgot dverify() to export.
* Added complains(), an alias to testplan() (which is planned to become deprecated).
* Facet:: now could have C<usage()> method
* Facet::match now has new syntax match( REGEX, DESC ) while DESC is a clear textual
describtion of the REGEX function. This is used for complain().
* verify now uses $_ per default, if only one argument is given.
* matches() introduced as an alias for dverify(). It exported per default.
* renamed matches() to is()
* Added Locale::Maketext localization.
- Accessible via $Data::Type::lh->maketext( )
- Served through Data::Type::L18N packages.
[Note] In first line, this is for international error reports. This
should help promptig ie. Webusers in front of an cgi-form.
* Renamed everything from
Type:: to Data::Type::
Filter:: to Data::Type::Filter::
Facet:: to Data::Type::Facet
[Note] Now we don't pollute anyones namespace. Everything is beneath
* C<Data::Type::IType::UNIVERSAL> got C<alias()> method which returns
the exported name of that type.
* 'summary()' is the new name of 'testplan()' (which was 'complains()').
'testplan' is removed from the export symbols and 'summary() was added
* C<pass> and C<fail> renamed to C<ok> and C<nok> (more intuitive).
* Renamed type "OS::PATH" export name to "PATH"
* Removed 'alias()' method from IType::UNIVERSAL because export() does the same.
* Renamed Data::Type::IType::UNIVERSAL to Data::Type::IType.
* C<summary()>
- now returns Data::Type::Entry objects instead of simple aref.
- new usage: ( VALUE, ENTRY || [ ENTRY, ... ] )
* t/describe.t renamed to t/summary.t
* removed C<nok()>
- C<ok> now takes a bool argument if awaiting success/fail
* Usage changed: C<verify( $value, $test )>
C<dverify( $value, $test )>
* Data::Type::Exception now has public C<catched> which holds the array
of preceding exceptions which induced it.
* @Data::Type::err holds the list of negative exceptions when C<dverify>
alias C<is> fails. Syntactic sugar:
unless( shift and is BIO::DNA )
print Dumper \@Data::Type::err;
- Types suffix the l18n language code: TYPE::DE for "de" (german).
[Note] You would need an implicit Data::Type::L18N::de package.
Only C<type export> names with a correspondent ::L18N::xx package should
be allowed. This may not make sense when no localization is needed,
but it will prevent consufion.
- Data::Type::l18n_list() returns the implemented localized packages
- move C<Data::Type::Facet::Proxy> to C<Data::Type::Facet>
- now every Facet isa C<Data::Type::IFacet> (empty)
- renamed C<verify> to C<valid>
- Data::Type::Facet::match has new usage
- Data::Type->filter now wants list of [ 'filtername', @args ]
- Data::Type::Object::*->test and Data::Type::Filter::*->test now doesnt take any args. Instead Data::Type::value is
consequently used.
- added C<isnt> as an alias for C<no is( TYPE )>
- Relaced 'IType' with 'Interface', so we got 'Data::Type::Interface' instead of 'Data::Type::IType'
Replaced 'IFacet' with 'Facet::Interface', so we now have 'Data::Type::Facet::Interface'
- Every regex now lives in $Data::Type::Regex::registry
- Dynamic regex generation via coderef support (with arguments).
- Access via C<Data::Type::Regex->request( )>. This is a step further to facadeless
gateway to Regexp::Common (Hopefully will save a lot maintainance time).
moved Data::Type::Exception related objects to Data/Type/Exception.pm
added the HTML type (thanks to HMTM::Lint)