+ 2008/03/27 version 2008.01
Joshua Kronengold, mneme at io dot com, sent in a patch
to use IO::File instead of the $gensym hack. Applied.
Carl Fürstenber, azatoth at gmail dot com and others
requested that license terms be spelled out. Done.
+ 2004/11/19
Bugfix in &unlock for if the lock file has been removed.
Bugfix by Vadim O. Ustiansky <ustiansk@sai.msu.ru>.
+ 2001/06/05
Added $av0debug variable to note locking attempts in $0
+ 2001/05/18
Added lock_rename to the EXPORT list.
+ 2000/09/25
Added tests to make sure 'nonblocking' works
+ 1999/12/17
Added the lock_rename() function.
+ 1999/06/22
SunOS systems seem to fail with EWOULDBLOCK on locked files.
+ 1999/06/21
It appears that on some systems (HP-UX) a blocking call to flock()
can fail with EACCES instead of EAGAIN.
+ 1999/06/15
Perl changes. File::Flock must change to keep up. A call to
lock() had to be changed to &lock(). Why?
+ 1998/12/01
More fixes for Solaris.
Modified the unlock() function so that it can be called as a reference.
+ 1998/11/30
Fixed the object-style interface.
Attempt to fix a double-unlock bug that makes the Linux port unhappy
+ 1998/11/26
Chaged O_RDONLY to O_RDWR for all file opens because Solaris won't let
you get an exclusive lock on a read-only file. Crazy! Change suggested
by Lupe Christoph <lupe@alanya.m.isar.de>. Thanks!
Rewrote the handling of the removal of files created just so that
they could be locked. Also tried to make sure that now file descriptors
could get leaked.