= 2013/04/09 0.812
Missing peerpath on FreeBSD 9 will die(). Work around.
Added missing depenency on List::MoreUtils
= 2013/04/04
Remove rinetd.pl -- becoming its own module
= 2013/03/20
No longer required to start with IO::Event->new()
fixed forked3.t, getline3.t, and multifork3.t tests
Added timer tests.
Now specifies "hard" on Event.pm timers
Added ->ie_desc()
= 2013/03/14 0.807
Bugfix: IO::Event constructor calls that did not include an
explicit handler were not getting the correct handler.
= 2012/02/28 0.806
Add 'diagnostics' to build requirements.
Documentation updates.
= 2011/06/17 0.805
Docfix. It's IO::Event->timer() not IO::Event::timer.
= 2011/02/28 0.804
Adjust tests to use instead of Sys::Hostname::hostname
= 2011/02/27 0.803
Adjust prerequisites and tests. Require Event & AnyEvent, run tests w/o them anyway.
= 2011/02/26 0.802
Add missing files to the MANIFEST
Forgot to update README
= 2011/02/25 0.801
Add framework to support multiple backend event loops.
Add AnyEvent as a new supported event loop.
= 2009/07/23 0.704
Added new API: IO::Event::Callback that provides a
closure/callback interface instead of the subclass
interface of IO::Event. It's a layer.
= 2009/04/29 0.703
OOps. Changes for 0.702 didn't actually make it in.
= 2009/04/28 0.702
Added shutdown()
Bugfix: writes when the OS buffer was completely full are now handled properly
= 2009/02/17 0.701
Made the use of Event.pm optional
= 2009/01/30 0.603
Write buffering debugged.
Failure to close() on eof() now auto-closes.
Rewrote rinetd.pl to use Daemon::Generic
= 2006/10/05 0.602
Minor bugfix to rinetd.pl
= 2005/11/04 0.601
Added example program: rinetd.pl
Replaced ie_connect_timeout() with ie_connect_failed().
Previously ie_eof() would be called for non-timeout connection
failures. Now ie_connect_failed() handles all connection failues.
Documentation fixes.
= 2005/08/29 0.508
Bugfix: don't try to read recently-closed filehandles.
= 2005/08/29 0.507
Add support for read-only and write-only descriptors.
= 2005/01/27 0.506
Drop Event objects to prevent memory leaks.
= 2005/01/21 0.505
Removed some race-condition warnings if descriptors are
close()ed before EOF.
= 2004/05/05 0.504
Dropped all calls to eof(). Switched from read() to
sysread(). Fixed bugs in ie_invoke. Made forked.t
portable to DragonflyBSD which probably also made it
work on a bunch of other systems too.
= 2004/04/20 0.503
Bugfix: eof was falsing positive
Bugfix: partial lines were being returned for <$ieo>
= 2004/02/24 0.502
Added can_read()
Bugfix: spurrious warning in unget()
Added ungets() to support FileHandle::Unget semantics
= 2003/11/29 0.501
Changed version numbering 'cause we don't want to get to 1.0 quite yet.
Add reentrantcy controls
Add readevents()
Add output buffer size related code.
Bugfix: remove input watermark code
Bugfix: retry read() until EAGAIN prevents lost events
Bugfix: don't suppress ie_eof after reopen or connect.
= 2003/11/26 0.5
Lots more bugs fixed. Documentation added. Test case added.
= 2003/11/26 0.4
Lots of bad bugs fixed. Some speedups.
= 2003/11/26 0.3
Fixed the semantics of read() and sysread() to match perl's
documentation. Oops.
Added 'use diagnostics' and fixed the things it complained about.
Added descriptions to the test suite.
= 2003/04/14 0.2
Added sysread()
= 2002/12/20 0.1
Initial revision