= 1999/09/20
Modified the match() method to return the position within the block.
= 1999/09/15
Added support for understanding network blocks in the form that the
whois database uses: FirstIP-LastIP.
= 1999/03/27
Jochen Wiedmann <joe@ispsoft.de> contributed a function to test an IP
address and a block to test see if the IP address is in the block.
Accordingly, there is now a match() method.
Rob Walker <rob@varesearch.com> contributed a function to return the
first usable adress in a block. Instead of using that, I added a function
to return the nth address in a block. There is now an nth() function.
= 1998/11/29
Jean-Luc Szpyrka <Jean-Luc.Szpyrka@sophia.inria.fr> requested that a
function be provided that returns the oposite of a netmask. Accordingly,
there is now the hostmask() method.