= 2003/05/26 1.9003 Roman Shishkin provided several (public exported) functions for looking at network tables: dumpNetworkTable() checkNetblock() Inspired: changing findOuterNetblock() so it can take a block as it's IP address. Bugfix: notice that ' -' isn't a valid netmask. Reported by Dan Wright . Bugfix: could not specify network ''. Fix from Dominic Mitchell . Added ->sameblock() from Martin Lorensen Added ->cmpblocks(). Added overloaded stringification so that blocks stringify to their description. Added overloaded block comparision so that blocks can be compared and sorted. Added hostmask syntax a.b.c.d#hostmask - Martin Lorensen Bugfix: t/badnets.t was missing from the MANIFEST. Some spelling and typo mistakes fixed in the documentation. = 2001/11/12 Change the license to make the Debian folks happy. Interface through Jonas Smedegaard . = 2001/09/29 Sapient Fridge and Alexander Karptsov sent a patch for a bug in range2cidrlist. The last IP in the range was skipped. Sam Denton requested support for a.b.c.d/mask.mask.mask.mask. Sam also sent a request that I include the world's fastest sort-by-ip-address-in-perl function in Net::Netmask as there didn't seem to be a better place to put it. I've included it. The function in question was found/benchmarked by John Porter and written about in the Perl-Users Digest, Issue 3860, Volume 8. Sam sent a patch to eliminate a couple of trailing spaces in the error codes. My IP address are now 216.240.32/19 instead of 140.174.82/19 and thus I've changed the examples in the pod. :-) = 2001/05/15 Added deleteNetblock to match storeNetblock. Carol Lerche contributed findOuterNetblock() and findAllNetblocks(). Kevin Baker sent in patches that suggested a new handling of error conditions; extra error conditions to test for; and a test script to exercise the error conditions. Bruce Peikon sent a contribution which suggested that enumerate could do so by network. Dominic Mitchell sent in code that suggested the creation of cidrs2contiglists() and range2cidrlist(). A couple of documentation fixes from Igor Vinokurov . = 1999/09/20 Modified the match() method to return the position within the block. = 1999/09/15 Added support for understanding network blocks in the form that the whois database uses: FirstIP-LastIP. = 1999/03/27 Jochen Wiedmann contributed a function to test an IP address and a block to test see if the IP address is in the block. Accordingly, there is now a match() method. Rob Walker contributed a function to return the first usable adress in a block. Instead of using that, I added a function to return the nth address in a block. There is now an nth() function. = 1998/11/29 Jean-Luc Szpyrka requested that a function be provided that returns the oposite of a netmask. Accordingly, there is now the hostmask() method. http://faqchest.dynhost.com/prgm/perlu-l/perl-98/perl-9809/perl-980905/perl98093023_24256.html