= 2006/09/06 1.9013

Added the nextblock() method as suggested by Robert Drake <rdrake at stayonline.net>

Bugfix: it couldn't parse 10/8 or 127/8

= 2004/05/31 1.9011

Some speed improvements from Todd R. Eigenschink <todd at tekinteractive.com>

= 2004/04/12 1.9009

Fix to netmasks.t for compatability with older perls

= 2004/04/06 1.9008

Added cidrs2inverse() which will find the gaps in a list of blocks.

Based on a request from Howard Jones <howard.jones at network-i.net>
the tag() method was added.  It allows you to store your own data in
a Net::Netmask object.  (Of course, you could have anyway as long as you
didn't use the keys 'IBASE' or 'BITS')

Long ago, Alexandros M Manoussakis <amm2 at ini.cmu.edu> reported a bug
that findAllNetblock would often return the same block multiple times.  

Based on requests from Alexandros M Manoussakis <amm2 at ini.cmu.edu>
and Lamprecht Andreas <andreas.a.lamprecht at siemens.com> the
undefined behavior for overlapping blocks with cidrs2contiglists
is no longer.  Such blocks will be in the same sublist.

Based on a requests from Tom Rudnick <trudnick at itc.nrcs.usda.gov>
and Anthony Pardini <tony at pardini.org> new function was added:
cidrs2cidrs().  cidrs2cidrs will condense a set of netblocks by
combining blocks together that make up larger blocks.

Anthony Pardini <tony at pardini.org>, Frank Tegtmeyer <fte @ fte.to>
and George Walker <gwalker at irish-times.com> pointed me to a bug
with the contains() method.  Fixed.

= 2004/01/01 1.9007

At Max Baker <max at warped.org>'s request, the "require 5.6.1" 
was removed for better compatability with older perl versions.

= 2003/12/05 1.9006

Removed '@'s from this file.

= 2003/11/29 1.9005

Matija Papec <matija at post.hinet.hr> suggested that I do a
Schwartzian transform on the IP address sort function.  I 
tried it.  It's faster.  Sort function replaced.

Added a sort_network_blocks function.

Added a contains() function to test if one block fits within

Peter Chen <petechen at netilla.com> was concerned about 
using an illegal bitmask.  Now checked.

Long ago, Alexandros M Manoussakis <amm2 at ini.cmu.edu> noted that
could be exported even though it was in EXPORT_OK.  Fixed.

= 2003/05/28 1.9004

Martin Lorensen <martin at lorensen.dk>: make 'any' a synonym for

Bugfix (aslo from Martin): fix the require to accept 5.6.1

= 2003/05/26 1.9003

Roman Shishkin <roman at rt.mipt.ru> provided several (public exported)
functions for looking at network tables:
Inspired: changing findOuterNetblock() so it can take a block
as it's IP address.

Bugfix: notice that ' -' isn't a valid
netmask.  Reported by Dan Wright <wright at smx.pair.com>.

Bugfix: could not specify network ''.  Fix
from Dominic Mitchell <dom at semantico.com>.

Added ->sameblock() from Martin Lorensen <martin at lorensen.dk>

Added ->cmpblocks().

Added overloaded stringification so that blocks stringify to their

Added overloaded block comparision so that blocks can be compared and

Added hostmask syntax a.b.c.d#hostmask - Martin Lorensen <martin at lorensen.dk>

Bugfix: t/badnets.t was missing from the MANIFEST.

Some spelling and typo mistakes fixed in the documentation.

= 2001/11/12

Change the license to make the Debian folks happy.  Interface through
Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk>.

= 2001/09/29

Sapient Fridge <sapient.fridge at WaCkY.zzn.com> and Alexander Karptsov
<karp at visti.net> sent a patch for a bug in range2cidrlist.  The
last IP in the range was skipped.

Sam Denton <sdenton at wantec.com> requested support for 

Sam also sent a request that I include the world's fastest
sort-by-ip-address-in-perl function in Net::Netmask as there didn't
seem to be a better place to put it.  I've included it.  The function
in question was found/benchmarked by John Porter and written about
in the Perl-Users Digest, Issue 3860, Volume 8.

Sam sent a patch to eliminate a couple of trailing spaces in
the error codes.

My IP address are now 216.240.32/19 instead of 140.174.82/19 and
thus I've changed the examples in the pod.  :-)

= 2001/05/15

Added deleteNetblock to match storeNetblock.

Carol Lerche <cafl at securify.com> contributed findOuterNetblock()
and findAllNetblocks().

Kevin Baker <kevin at apnic.net> sent in patches that suggested a new
handling of error conditions; extra error conditions to test for; and
a test script to exercise the error conditions.

Bruce Peikon <Bruce.Peikon at msdw.com> sent a contribution which suggested
that enumerate could do so by network.

Dominic Mitchell <dom at semantico.com> sent in code that suggested the 
creation of cidrs2contiglists() and range2cidrlist().

A couple of documentation fixes from Igor Vinokurov <igor at rtsnet.ru>.

= 1999/09/20

Modified the match() method to return the position within the block.

= 1999/09/15

Added support for understanding network blocks in the form that the
whois database uses: FirstIP-LastIP.

= 1999/03/27

Jochen Wiedmann <joe at ispsoft.de> contributed a function to test an IP
address and a block to test see if the IP address is in the block. 
Accordingly, there is now a match() method.

Rob Walker <rob at varesearch.com> contributed a function to return the
first usable adress in a block.  Instead of using that, I added a function
to return the nth address in a block.  There is now an nth() function.

= 1998/11/29

Jean-Luc Szpyrka <Jean-Luc.Szpyrka at sophia.inria.fr> requested that a
function be provided that returns the oposite of a netmask.  Accordingly,
there is now the hostmask() method.
