Revision history for Class-AutoDB

1.09_01	2009-12-01 - Trial version on the way to 1.10
	Brings CPAN version up-to-date with version used internally
        New features:
        - 'put' method added to AutoDB (in Class::AutoDB::Database) to store
           specific objects. this is a step towards cleaning up namespace of
        - 'oid' method added to AutoDB. this is a step towards cleaning up 
          namespace of user-objects
	- %AUTODB=0 works
	- %AUTODB with HASH form of keys: type defaults to string, as it does
	  with all other forms
	- 'port' and 'timeout' added to connection parameters
	- connection management (connect, reconnect, etc) made consistent
	- 'renew' made consistent with 'new'
        Bug fixes:
        - 'exists' (in Class::AutoDB::Database) now checks for empty
          _AutoDB table; this may address common problem where AutoDB
          appears to exists, but registry does not exist
	- fixed ambiguity of ‘get’ (AutoClass::get was masking AutoDB::get)
	  by changing order of base classes; this is short term workaround --
          really need to clean up AutoClass namespace!
	- 'store' (in Class::AutoDB::Serialize) was using wrong regex when
	  processing transients: /$key/ insead of /^$key$/. This caused keys to 
	  be ignored if they matched any substring of a transient. 
	  Scary this wasn't caught earlier!!
	- 'count' was throwing exception when count was 0. Scary this wasn't
	  caught earlier!!
        - 'put' was storing undef in base table when value of key was 0. Does
	  not impact the actual objects returned by 'get' (since objects stored
	  in _AutoDB), but breaks queries selecting on 0. Scary this wasn't
	  caught earlier!!
	- queries on lists with duplicate values were returning duplicate
	- queries with multiple terms addressing the same list key were ignoring
	  all but one of the terms
	- queries with multiple terms addressing the same scalar key now
	  detected as illegal
	- objects with incorrectly typed search keys now behave predictably
	- queries with undef values now do 'IS NULL'
        - keys declared with abbreviated types were not always being seen as
	  equivalent (eg, 'int' vs. 'integer'
	- programmatic definition of collections now works

0.1     06-01-04
	- in Oid, added code to 'use' classes when object is fetched
          if not already 'used'. caution: this only works if people
          follow the Perl convention of placing module Foo in file
  Else, there's no easy way to translate a classname
          into a string that can be 'used'
	- in Oid, added overload for stringification and a few related
          op. stringify fetches object, so serialized objects will
          work as expected when used as hash key
	- in Object, added overload declaration for objects after
          they've been fetched.  don't know why this is needed, but it
          didn't work without it
	- in Serialize, made -transients work
	- changed syntax of %AUTODB declaration to allow multiple
          collections to be specified with different keys. backwards
          compatible. affects code in Collection, Oid, Registration,
          Registry, RegistryVersion

0.092	05-10-25
          data source might be wrong (evil and silent bug)
	- added SQL limit capability to AutoDB, users can now pass a
          _limit_ => n, where n=max number of rows to fetch, in find

0.091   05-06-08
	- Added option to turn off automatic indexing
	The following defects have been addressed (see also bug tracker at project: isbiology):
	  1216645 added "pass" synonym per feature request

0.09  2004/20/10
	- optimized patch courtesy of Jenda of perl monks
	- find now handles multiple collections in query

0.08  Wed Sep  1 14:09:29 PDT 2004
	The following defects have been addressed (see also bug tracker at project: isbiology):
         1016244 no persistence on (enclosed) test
         1016246 reformat of list sorage
         1019348 not all objects stored
         1016242 create flag not working for registry
         1016238 _registry_is_saved error
         1017046 not all objects stored

0.07  Tue Aug 17 10:52:27 PDT 2004
	- require 5.8.2 added for perl version, manifest rebuilt to include patch files 

0.06  Mon Aug 16 14:24:43 PDT 2004
	- major refactor of persistence handling. store() method added to store 
          objects explicitly (implicit storage still occurs when an object is 
          destroyed. Implicitly destroyed objects will not overwrite explicitly 
          destroyed ones). Mosts tests have been re-written and new ones have been 
          added to test this storage handling.
0.05  17 May 2004
	- refactor of reconstitution code
0.04  Mon Feb 23 11:15:53 PST 2004
	- refactored tests so that tests that need a DB connection skip if DB 
          connection is not negotiated

0.03  Thu Feb 19 09:46:40 PST 2004
	- refactored: database connection is now made at runtime

0.02  Tues Jan 06 17:01:12 PST 2004
	- some code cleanup, documentation changes 

0.01  Mon Dec 22 17:28:49 PST 2003
	- original version.