Revision history for Perl module Acme::Playpen
0.08 2014-02-28
- Wanted to do a release so I can track timezone differences with BackPAN and CPAN.
0.07 2014-02-25
- ok, so no_index and separate pod, the pod is linked in MetaCPAN.
Now what if the pod's in the file which is no-linked?
0.06 2014-02-25
- no_index a module but give it pod, what does MetaCPAN do ...
0.05 2014-02-25
- more mucking about with abstracts
0.04 2014-02-25
- mucking about with abstracts
0.03 2014-02-16
- Added this file.
- Tried to address all Kwalitee checks to get 'CPANTS clean',
but have a malformed abstract, to see what I get.
0.02 2014-02-16
- Added a module which is already on CPAN with someone else having
permission, but with no_index in metadata.
0.01 2014-02-16
- First release to CPAN