Revision history for Perl module Apache::OneTimeURL
1.33 2015-10-23 NEILB
- Updated repo URL with my new github username
1.32 2014-01-22 NEILB
- Moved test into t/
- Switched to Makefile.PL
- Added COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE header in doc
1.31 2013-10-12 NEILB
- Added repository details to Build.PL so it will appear in metadata
1.30 2013-08-12 NEILB
- Removed HouseURL from distribution
- Reformatted this file (Changes) according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
1.2 2004-01-21 SIMON
- Unknown changes
1.1 2004-01-21 SIMON
- Doc/logic fix spotted by Peter Sergeant.
0.01 2003-10-08
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AX -n Apache::OneTimeURL