Revision history for Perl module CPAN::ReleaseHistory

0.06 2014-02-21
    - Added --monthly option to cpan-release-counts
      Based on idea and patch from Kent Fredric.
    - Added -year YYYY option to cpan-release-counts

0.05 2014-02-20
    - cpan-release-counts was barfing if user had no releases
      RT#93183 from Martin Evans.
    - Added cpan-heavyweights script, which shows the top releasers,
      either of all-time, or optionally for a specific year.

0.04 2014-02-20
    - Added cpan-release-counts script for generating text graphs
      of release history, either of a user or across all users.
    - The tests were using // which requires 5.010. Changed that and
      made dependent on 5.006.

0.03 2014-02-19
    - Added a well_formed option to the release iterator.
      If true, then the iterator only returns releases where the distname
      and author id could be determined by CPAN::DistnameInfo

0.02 2014-02-06
    - Changed the sort order of local cache, so it's sorted on
      distname and then by release time.
    - Noted in the doc that you may discover anomalies in
      CPAN's release history.

0.01 2014-02-05
    - First release to CPAN