Revision history for Perl module Data::TreeDumper::OO

0.09 2014-06-17
    - The module had an explicit VERSION in it, which was set to the wrong
      version. Removed it, so DZ can do its thing.
    - Added a bunch of module links to SEE ALSO.

0.08 2014-05-19
    - Structured dist and switched to Dist::Zilla
    - Reformatted end of pod to have explicit COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE section
    - Added github repo to pod
    - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec

0.07 2005-07-05 NKH

0.06 2005-06-27 NKH
    - FIXED: dam'it I hate copy paste

0.05 2005-06-27 NKH
    - CHANGED: updated to match Data::TreeDumper 0.22

0.04 2005-06-26 NKH
    - CHANGED: updated to match Data::TreeDumper 0.21

0.03 2005-01-16 NKH
    - ADDED: QuoteValues to reflect changes in Data::TreeDumper
    - CHANGED: object construction doesn't use package variables anymore

0.02 2004-08-05 NKH
    - ADDED: SetGlyphs and QuoteHashKeys to reflect changes in Data::TreeDumper

0.01 2004-06-27 NKH
    - First release to CPAN