Revision history for Perl module DateTime::Functions
0.12 2016-03-08 NEILB
- ASCIIfied Audrey's name in dist.ini, so it will end up as ASCII
in Makefile.PL. The kanji was causing a panic on an old Perl.
I should fix this properly, but Audrey++ was ok with me ASCII'ing
her name, which was the quicker route to all green on CPAN Testers.
0.11 2016-01-11 NEILB
- Added "use warnings", changed "use vars" to use our variables,
and changed from "use base" to "use parent".
- Updated Changes file to follow format in CPAN::Changes::Spec
- Changed license section in doc to have expected head1 text
- Switched to Dist::Zilla
0.10 2010-12-08 AUDREYT
- LICENSING CHANGE: This compilation and all individual files in it
are now under the nullary CC0 1.0 Universal terms:
To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and
related or neighboring rights to Module-Signature.
- Updated Module::Install to 1.00.
0.01 2003-11-01 AUTRIJUS
- Initial CPAN release