Revision history for Perl module HTML::ParseBrowser
1.04 2012-01-16
- Correctly recognise Opera Mini, AOL browser, and Iron
- Fixed bug where parsing some versions of Windows ended up setting
the browser version to be the Windows version
- Konqueror version wasn't being correctly matched in many cases
1.03 2012-01-15
- Now recognise OmniWeb
- Added testcases for all recognised languages
- Language code for Danish was wrong (was 'dn', is now 'da')
- Language code for Japanese was wrong (was 'jp', is now 'ja')
- Simplified the language code, which also made it a lot faster.
Profiling showed that this was really impacting overall performance:
running the benchmark test from my review previously took ~35s,
now it takes ~7s.
1.02 2012-01-14
- Fixed all warnings generated by running a large test corpus past
the module. The big coverage test for my review article now
runs cleanly.
- Tidied up documentation, made it a bit less rude about Vista :-)
- Hadn't put release date of 1.01 in this file (Changes)
- Removed version number from README, so I don't have to update it
on every release
1.01 2012-01-13
- Fixed handling of Safari version numbers
- Added tests for IE 8, 9, 10
- Improved support for Opera including correct handling of version numbers
- Added Russian to language recognition
- Recognises Windows 7 and Windows 8
- Min version of Perl 5.004 and improved META keywords (from CHORNY)
- Now recognises Chrome
- Fixed bug which meant lang(), language() and friends didn't work
- Fixed warnings about use of undefined values
- Added a DESTROY method to fix warning caused by AUTOLOAD trying
to handle DESTROY
- Now use strict and warnings
1.0 2008-07-16
- updates
0.5 2001-08-14
- original version