Revision history for Perl module Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate
1.04 2015-07-04 NEILB
- Added [MetaJSON] to dist.ini, so release will include META.json.
RT#105628 from ETHER++
1.03 2014-05-31 NEILB
- Switched to Dist::Zilla
- strict and warnings everywhere, perl min version 5.6.0
- Added a SEE ALSO section with a couple of modules
- Added github repo to pod
- Renamed this file from ChangeLog to Changes,
reformatted as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
1.02_01 2014-05-17 NEILB
- Developer release, containing all entries in 1.03, above.
1.02 2004-12-30 SBURKE
- No code changes, just rebundling
0.01 2000-08-25 SBURKE
- First release to CPAN