Revision history for perl module Mail::SendGrid

0.06 2012-12-04
    - Added example to doc showing how to delete all bounces
    - Dropped Git from dist.ini
    - I'd left a print statement in used during dev

0.05 2012-12-04
    - old internal function name not changed after a refactoring

0.04 2012-12-04
    - Added delete_bounces() method
    - switched to the JSON endpoint, as much less hassle than XML

0.03 2011-10-12

  - fixed typo in SYNOPSIS section of Mail::SendGrid::Bounce
  - Added Test::CPAN::Change to dist.ini
  - Added GitHub to dist.ini; distribution now on Github as well.
  - made the attributes required in Mail::SendGrid::Bounce

0.02 2011-10-11

  - added Changes file
  - accidental release while playing with Dist::Zilla :-)

0.01 2011-10-11

  - initial release of module, with bounces method only