Revision history for Perl module Memoize::ExpireLRU

0.55_01 2016-03-09 NEILB
    - Switched to Dist::Zilla
    - Moved to lib/Memoize/
    - Moved to t/02-original.t
    - Updated this file to follow CPAN::Changes::Spec, and most recent
      release first.
    - Added github repo to doc

0.55 2000-04-12 BPOWERS
	- Just why can't you save from a screwed up upload on PAUSE?
	- Big bug fixes. Consider this the first working version

0.53 2000-04-07 BPOWERS
	- Tiny bug fixes (!= -> ne)

0.52 2000-03-14 BPOWERS
	- original version