Revision history for Perl extension Module::Locate

1.77 2013-12-15
    - Added 'use 5.8.8' to specify minimum version of Perl.
      This should give Module-Locate a clean bill of health on CPANTS
    - Added 'warnings' as a prereq in Makefile.PL

1.76 2013-08-15
    - Added in "use warnings" after looking at CPANTS

1.75 2013-08-14
    - Fixed an operator precedence bug in is_mod_loaded()
      RT#87204: report and fix from Reini Urban

1.74 2013-07-20
    - Added license metadata to Makefile.PL and to the pod

1.73 2013-07-20
    - Fixed up dates in this file to satisfy CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Removed version number from README
    - Made the repository URL in the pod a link

1.72 2012-09-24
    - Updated SEE ALSO to include link to review of modules
      for getting the path of a module.

1.71 2012-09-17
    - Added github repository to documentation
    - Updated Makefile.PL with prereqs and github repository info
    - Updated this file to follow conventions in CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - minor updates to documentation to improve clarity
    - added App::Module::Locate to SEE ALSO
    - first release by NEILB (thanks to Dan for co-maint)

1.7 2005-07-02
    - "locate" now also accepts filenames
    - added "mod_to_path" function
    - dropped Module::Build and warnings dependencies
    - dropped Changes section from module POD

1.6 2005-05-19
    - fixed failing Win32 tests (thanks barbie!)

1.5 2004-01-07
    - added the ubiquitous "Makefile.PL" (thanks "Module::Build"!)

1.4 2003-12-15
    - now backward compatible with 5.00503

1.3 2003-11-25
    - Tidied up POD.
    - "acks_like_fh()" now tests plain globs i.e "*FH"

1.2 2003-11-25
    - No longer "croak()"s when "locate()" fails to find the module (which is
      much nicer and is consistent with the documentation).
    - "Build.PL" should now play nice with "CPAN" installs

1.1 2003-11-07
    - fixed "$PkgRe" to be functional
    - added "is_mod_loaded()" and "is_pkg_loaded()" functions
    - added ':all' "import()" option
    - hopefully fixed b0rken CPAN make process ...

1.0 2003-09-23
    - Initial release