Revision history for Perl module Module::Path
0.11 2014-02-17
- Testsuite now uses Cwd::abs_path() on paths from %INC,
to cope with synlinks in @INC directories.
This was causing test failures on Debian(-based) systems.
Thanks to Daniel Lintott and Erez Schatz for reporting
and testing proposed fix.
0.10_01 2014-02-16
- Developer release with the change that made it into
0.11, above.
0.10 2014-02-04
- mpath can display paths for multiple modules (Ahmad Syaltut)
- specified min perl version 5.6.0
0.09_01 2013-08-21
- If a directory in @INC is a symlink, return the linked-to directory
in the path. Problem report and patch from Sharl Morlaroll
0.09 2013-01-20
- You can now pass partial module paths, in the format
used as the keys in %INC. Suggested by Steven Haryanto.
0.08 2012-10-18
- t/03-mpath.t: now used Devel::FindPerl to get path to perl,
instead of $^X. Thanks to LeonT.
- should be quoting the path to the mpath binary in t/03-mpath.t
Thanks to Graham Knop (haarg).
0.07 2012-09-24
- Made the repository path a link in the pod (Olivier Mengué)
- Updated pod to refer to review of this and similar modules.
Nudged by Olivier Mengué.
0.06 2012-09-18
- should check $? after running backticks in t/03-mpath.t,
to ensure process exited cleanly.
0.05 2012-09-18
- Added lightweight mpath script, which just calls module_path()
Made path to script portable, thanks to help from kentnl and leont.
Ugh, test could be run with a different perl than mpath.
More help, from leont, ether and haarg.
0.04 2012-08-30
- github repo was specified wrongly in (Olivier Mengué)
0.03 2012-08-27
- Directory separator should be / and not \ on MSWin32.
Thanks to kmx for helping me identify the issue.
0.02 2012-08-26
- bugfix in initialisation of separator (Tom Molesworth)
- Added github repo to metadata and documentation
- SEE ALSO now covers all modules I'm aware of that provide
the same functionality
0.01 2012-08-20
- initial release of module