Revision history for Perl module Module::Which

0.03 2014-06-24 NEILB
    - Fixed the SYNOPSIS to show working code, and the two types of result
      data you can get from which(). RT#16332
    - Clarify in the doc that the return data includes the path to the module.
    - Added github repo to doc.
    - Switched to Dist::Zilla
    - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Removed Module::Downgrade, as only aiming to support 5.6+

0.0207 2008-03-05 FERREIRA
    - mention Module::Finder in SEE ALSO
    - recommends Term::Size::Any instead of Term::Size
    - hacked up support for "which_pm perl"
    - TODO: document that "which_pm perl" works

0.0206 2007-11-20 FERREIRA
    - no code change
    - fixed packaging issues

0.0205 2006-05-21 FERREIRA
    - BUG FIX: in CPAN RT #16332, Jeff Tanner 
      noticed that the synopsis code didn't work. 
      Indeed, &which was using "return => 'ARRAY'" 
      as default instead of "return => 'HASH'"

0.0204 2006-05-21 FERREIRA
    - Term::Size is recommended
    - when determining terminal size, non-tty STDOUT
      prevents truncation
    - if possible, terminal width is retrieved with
      the help of Term::Size

0.02_03 2005-12-27 FERREIRA
    - new switch -I for specifying the library paths
    - correspoding changes to Module::Which
    - new switch -w for specifying terminal width

0.02_02 2005-12-08 FERREIRA
    - module versions are obtained via MM->parse_file
      after using EE::MM

0.02_01 2005-10-28 FERREIRA
    - now which_pm uses String::Truncate when file paths
      are too long (instead of simple truncate)
    - documented bug about wrong versions when multiple
      instances are found in library path

0.02 2005-10-10 FERREIRA
    - just the same as 0.01_05
    - it's a shame: the only purpose of this
      release it to raise my kwalitee to 16.0
      as development versions aren't counted

0.01_05 2005-07-27 FERREIRA
    - added a "--p5p" option to which_pm so that Config-related
      paths can be shown
    - wrote tests for the previously introduced modules
    - wrote Module::Which::P5Path to make Config-related
      translations: like "/usr/lib/perl5/Module/" to

0.01_04 2005-06-22 FERREIRA
    - file path was include in the information about
      a Perl module 'which_pm' gives
    - replaced "t/Module-Which.t" with "t/001basic.t"
      which uses the mock modules under "t/tlib" to test
    - the bug of not being able to find multiple installed
      versions of a module with an exact pattern like 'YAML'
      is gone with the use of Module::Which::List
    - subcategories are now written DBD:: instead of DBD::*
    - replaced Module::Find dependency by a new module
      Module::Which::List which allows me to recover
      the module path
    - option --version reports a sensible program name with
    - added --version option to which_pm with corresponding docs 

0.01_03 2005-06-21 FERREIRA
    - improved a bit the output of 'which_pm' by finding
      out the maximum length of a module name before printing
    - temporarily, "META.yml" will not be automatically
      updated by MakeMaker (so that the correct license is set)
    - "bin/which_pm.PL" renamed to "bin/which_pm"
    - added "t/003pod.t" to test POD for errors 
      (when Test::Pod 1.00 is there)
    - completed documentation of Data::Hash::Transform
      which was truncated and buggy

0.01_02 2005-06-16 FERREIRA
    - options '--verbose' and '--quiet' supported by now
    - use of Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage in
    - bug in Module::Which documented
    - test script for Data::Hash::Transform: "t/002hash.t"
    - code for converting from an array of hashes to hash of hashes
      moved to Data::Hash::Transform

0.01_01 2005-06-15 FERREIRA
    - experimental code to downgrade the source
      code to 5.005
    - which_pm is not verbose by default anymore:
      set environment variable WHICH_PM_VERBOSE 
    - options to customize which() behavior:
      'return' and 'verbose'
    - which() now returns an array ref by default
      and optionally a hash ref
    - added reference to existing CPAN modules 

0.01 2005-06-14 FERREIRA
    - first release to CPAN
    - created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AX -n Module::Which