Revision history for Perl module MooX::Role::CachedURL

0.06 2014-05-05
    - Changed tests 2 and 3 to use a cache path in t/.
      Two of the tests were reported as failing on some CPAN Testers
      platforms (inc Linux), when unlinking cache files just created.
      Updated the code doing the unlinking to report why it fails,
      so if the tests still fail, I'll get an idea why.

0.05 2014-05-05
    - Added a test for the 'path' attribute: t/04-path.t
    - If the cache_path or path attributes reference a file ending with .gz,
      we assume it's gzip'd and transparently unzip it for you
      with PerlIO::gzip. This means that large files can be requested and
      cached gzip'd.

0.04 2014-04-28
    - Split the 'path' into 'path' and 'cache_path' attributes.
      Previously 'path' was used for both the local cache path,
      and for your to specify your own local file. That meant you
      couldn't specify your own path for local caching.
    - Added [Git::Tag] and [Git::Push] to dist.ini

0.03 2014-03-29
    - Changed the 'expires' attribute to 'max_age', which feels
      the right name having read various caching-related things recently.

0.02 2014-03-25
    - Added 'expires' attribute, which uses Time::Duration::Parse to
      let you express the expiry time in a variety of ways.
    - Split out test package into a separate module in t/lib/
    - Added major todo items to section in pod

0.01 2014-03-22
    - First release to CPAN