ChangeLog for Net-Dict distribution

1.07 2001-03-04 neilb
	* Updated the one-line description in the NAME pod section.
	  Previous one was a bit terse - that's what shows up
	  on, and similar places.

1.06 2001-03-04 neilb
	* created tkdict, first cut at a Perl/Tk DICT client.
	  The interface is currently very DICT protocol centric.
	* added dbTitle() method, which is used to query the title
	  string for a specific database.
	* the description strings returned by dbs() and strats() were
	  quoted with double strings (if that's what the server returned).
	  Similarly every word returned by match() was quoted.
	  Now the quotation marks are removed.

	* added "dict", a sample client script
	* strats() method was including a newline in the description
	  of each strategy, unlike dbs(), which chomp()s the description.
	  strats() now chomps as well!
	* added Client option to Net::Dict, for CLIENT identifier string
	* added AUTHOR and ABSTRACT_FROM keys to Makefile.PL


	First version under maintenance of Neil Bowers

	Added Makefile.PL, README, MANIFEST.

	Added examples/, based on example submitted
	by Jose Joao Dias de Almeida <>

	Modified in constructor for default port number,
	also from Jose.

1.03 - 1.01

	Versions released by Dmitry Rubinstein <>