Revision history for Perl module Sort::Versions
1.61 2015-04-29 NEILB
- Removed spaces from function prototype for versioncmp(). RT#103810
Kerin Millar++
- Added [MetaJSON] so the dist will get a META.json file
1.60 2014-06-13 NEILB
- CPAN Testers hasn't reported any failures, so my first
non-developer release.
- Added SEE ALSO section to doc.
1.5_01 2014-06-11 NEILB
- Switched to Dist::Zilla, moving into lib/Sort/ in the process
This will address RT#83016 as a side effect.
- Specified utf-8 encoding for pod, and put Hack's surname in UTF-8.
- Added separate COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE section in pod, in expected format.
- Added github repo to pod.
- Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
1.5 2003-08-25 EDAVIS
- mkdist: Changed to 'mkdist' written in Perl; now checks version
- Makefile.PL: Removed DISTNAME - change to Perl standard
convention of calling the package Sort-Versions-xxx.tar.gz.
Though I don't know quite what DISTNAME did.
- Makefile.PL: Get the version number from rather than
hardcoding it in Makefile.PL.
- Removed CVS log; I'm not that keen on it, especially
as most of the log messages were empty.
- t/versions.t: Use Test::More (based on patch from mwj99).
- t/versions.t: Added some more test cases and commented the
existing tests. I think this partly follows a patch from mwj99.
1.4 2002-03-10 EDAVIS
- README: Some revisions and modernizing prompted by Matt's new
version (although I didn't incorporate all his changes).
- Updated my email address.
- t/versions.t: Added some tests for calling versioncmp directly,
if perl >= 5.6.
- Made versions() deprecated, so versioncmp() is the
routine to call. Small code tidying.
- t/versions.t: Run each test in package main and package Foo.
-, t/versions.t: Applied patch from Slaven Rezic to let
versions() work when called from a package other than main. But
this is not the final answer, I intend to deprecate versions() and
move the code into versioncmp(), which has saner argument passing
(not the magic $a and $b).
1.3 2002-01-29 EDAVIS
- Version 1.3: patch from Hack Kampbjørn for '-' digit
groupings as well as '.'.
- README: Added some rather lame examples of -.
- t/versions.t: Added some tests for - digit grouping.
1.2 2001-07-28 EDAVIS
- t/versions.t: Whoops - got the leading-zero tests the wrong way round.
- README: Whoops - got the leading-zero examples the wrong way
round in the README.
- mkdist: Modified from Lingua::Preferred to Sort::Versions.
- Added $VERSION.
- mkdist: Initial revision
- t/versions.t: Added tests for leading-zero numeric comparisons.
- Added support for numeric comparisons where one
version number has a leading zero.
- README: Fixed spelling mistake.