Revision history for Perl module String::Parity

1.33 2015-20-25 NEILB
    - Added [MetaJSON] to dist.ini so release tarballs will have META.json
    - Auto tag and push to github on release
    - Updated github repo URL in metadata and doc with new github username

1.32 2014-03-28 NEILB
    - Added "use warnings" and removed use of 'use vars'
    - Fixed pod abstract to follow usual convention
    - Updated author section and added COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
    - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Moved to lib/String/
    - Moved testsuite into t/ as String-Parity.t
    - Moved to Dist::Zilla
    - Min perl version 5.6.0
    - Added github repo to pod

1.31 1996-12-10 @winko
    - integrate MakeMaker

1.3 1995-11-12 @winko
    - included mark/space handling

1.2 1995-11-02 @winko
    - renamed to String::Parity

1.1 1995-11-02 @winko
    - original version; released as Text::Parity