Revision history for Test-Mini
1.1.3_01 2015-07-24 NEILB
- Converted all the documentation to traditional pod, from the Yard-based
documentation that was used previously.
- Set min perl version in all modules and dist metadata to 5.006.
Previously Test::Mini required 5.008, but actually is fine with 5.006
- Updated Makefile.PL and MANIFEST to a simpler more static model;
this was made possible because Pieter is happy to drop use of Yard for
the documentation.
v1.1.3 2011-02-13 PVANDE
- Found a bug causing erroneous behavior for skipped tests in Perl 5.13+.
v1.1.2 2011-02-11 PVANDE
- Fixed a bug in Makefile.PL that caused failures with older versions of
- Added a proper $VERSION to the Test::Mini package.
v1.1.1 2010-10-15 PVANDE
- Fixed a bug w.r.t. mro::get_isarev behavior. Test::Mini would always
try to run tests in any package that had ever been a subclass of
Test::Mini::TestCase; this prevented Test::Mini::Unit's tests from
passing under any Perl >= 5.9.5. Few users will have seen this bug.
- Made another pass at making t/Test/Mini/Logger.t pass on the smokers.
v1.1.0 2010-10-01 PVANDE
- Implemented respect for the TEST_MINI_NO_AUTORUN environment variable
- Fixed a bug where invalid TAP was output when running multiple test
cases in a single process
- Attempted once again to fix an intermittent failure in
t/Test/Mini/Logger.t related to timings
1.0.0 2010-09-16
- First Major Version