Revision history for Perl module UNIVERSAL::require

0.15 2013-09-28
    - Hadn't specific meta-spec version 2, so github repo wasn't turning
      up in the metadata.

0.14 2013-08-25
    - Changed the repository meta_merge to the new format
    - Tweaked format (mainly release dates) to conform to CPAN::Changes::Spec

0.13_1 2013-03-08
    - first test release by NEILB after getting comaint
    - no changes other than specifying github repository

0.13 2009-03-30
    - $module->require now always resets $@ which removes a trap of using $@
      to indicate an error, rather than checking $module->require directly.
      [ 44444]

0.12 2009-03-30
    - bleadperl introduced a new warning deprecating "use UNIVERSAL"
      (thank goodness) which interfered with t/require.t

0.11 2006-11-11
    - Sped up require() by about 400% for already loaded modules.
      [ 21141]
    - Fix the test for the changed version error in 5.10.

0.10 2005-10-10
    - Split out of UNIVERSAL-exports into its own distribution.
    - UNIVERSAL::require no longer uses eval STRING in require().  This 
      closes a security hole.
    - Testing that it works under taint mode.
    - Added license and copyright notice.
    - Added use()
    - Mention Module::Load in SEE ALSO.

0.03 2001-12-16
    - Fixed a little nit when "use UNIVERSAL" is involved.

0.02 2001-06-25
    - -->API CHANGE!<-- require() no longer dies on failure

0.01 2001-01-22
    - First version, adapted from the Perl 6 RFC prototypes 253 and 257.