Revision history for Perl module ex::constant::vars

0.03 2012-01-28

    - Specified license type as 'perl' in Makefile.PL
    - Added Carp and Exporter as pre-reqs in Makefile.PL
    - Reworded the one-line description in NAME section in pod.
    - Other updates to documentation

0.02 2012-01-27

    - fixed bug where multiple scalar constants would end up
      with the value of the most recently declared one
    - fixed warning about prototypes
    - moved to lib/ex/constant/
    - created a t/ test directory, and moved to t/original.t
    - added t/tie.t with more tests for the tie interface,
      including for the multiple scalar bug
    - added t/const.t with more tests for the const interface
    - added t/import.t with more tests for the const interface

0.01  Mon Nov 20 15:10:28 2000
    - original version uploaded to CPAN