Version 0.04 - 2018-06-06
- Remove runtime dependency on OpenGL module, so that OpenGL::Modern
may be used instead. (OpenGL still required for test cases)
Version 0.03 - 2017-07-16
- Most GLX_ constants are exportable now
- GLXFBConfig (and related functions) support
- Tighter integration with X11::Xlib, giving all objects ->display attr
- More test cases with better feature-detection of server
- ::DWIM module now uses FBConfig setup by default, when available
- More "DWIM" in ::DWIM module
Version 0.02 - 2017-04-07
- Corrrected "configure requires" prereqs in META & Makefile.PL
Version 0.01 - 2017-04-07
- Initial release, supporting basic glX and import_context extension
- DWIM module for "making it go" with minimal effort.