2006-10-17	Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji	<hatuka@nezumi.nu>

	* Release 0.04.1
	* Bug fix: Handle wide characters exactly.

2006-10-13	Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji	<hatuka@nezumi.nu>

	* Release 0.04.
	* Supports Perl 5.005 or later.
	  Unicode/multibyte handling will be enabled on Perl 5.8.1 or later.
	  USE_ENCODE flag was introduced.
	* decode_mimewords(): Added 'Charset' option.

2006-10-09	Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji	<hatuka@nezumi.nu>

	* Release 0.03.
	* New function: encoded_header_len.
	* body_encode()/header_encode(): fallback to US-ASCII if possible.
	* Documentation: definitions of ``charset'' & ``encoding''.
	* Typos on Encode::FB_*.
	* More test cases.

2006-10-07	Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji	<hatuka@nezumi.nu>

	* Release 0.02.
	* Fix exports.
	* Typo on GPL version.
	* Added synopsis.
	* Other typos.

2006-10-06	Hatuka*nezumi - IKEDA Soji	<hatuka@nezumi.nu>

	* Release 0.01.  Initial CPAN upload.