Revision history for OpenAI-API
0.36 2023-04-09
Replace AnyEvent with IO::Async::Loop
Replace Promises with IO::Async::Future
0.35 2023-04-03
Implement add_message() and send_message() chat methods.
0.34 2023-04-02
Add OpenAI::API::Response modules.
Fix tests.
"/edits" endpoint is working again.
0.33 2023-03-26
Add OpenAI::API::Error module.
Add option to return HTTP::Response object.
Fix tests ("/edits" endpoint is broken)
0.31 2023-03-21
Document method send_async.
0.30 2023-03-20
Implement method send_async.
Refactor configuration.
0.28 2023-03-18
Asynchronous requests with AnyEvent and Promises.
Improve documentation examples (synopsis).
0.27 2023-03-13
0.26 2023-03-12
Refactor requests.
0.25 2023-03-09
Add images and files endpoints. Refactor.
Refactor with ResourceDispatcherRole.
0.23 2023-03-08
Add models endpoint.
0.22 2023-03-04
Refactor endpoint / api_base parameters.
Implement retry with sleep.
Fix timeout.
0.19 2023-03-03
Update documentation.
Add timeout parameter.
0.17 2023-03-02
Add github links to Makefile.PL
Update documentation.
0.15 2023-03-01
Chat endpoint. Update documentation.
0.14 2023-02-28
Update dependencies.
0.13 2023-02-27
OpenAI::API::Request::* modules
Require defined OPENAI_API_KEY.
0.11 2023-02-24
Test exceptions.
0.10 2023-02-22
Improve documentation.
Minor changes, improve documentation.
New methods, update documentation and tests.
0.07 2023-01-03
Fix minimum perl version (thanks RAZ).
0.03 2022-12-20
Minor changes; more tests.
Update README.
0.01 2022-12-16
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.