package Geo::Coder::Free::Config; =head1 NAME Geo::Coder::Free::Config - Site independent configuration file =head1 VERSION Version 0.37 =cut our $VERSION = '0.37'; # VWF is licensed under GPL2.0 for personal use only # # Usage is subject to licence terms. # The licence terms of this software are as follows: # Personal single user, single computer use: GPL2 # All other users (including Commercial, Charity, Educational, Government) # must apply in writing for a licence for use from Nigel Horne at the # above e-mail. use warnings; use strict; use Config::Auto; use CGI::Info; use File::Spec; =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 new # Takes four optional arguments: # info (CGI::Info object) # logger # config_directory - used when the configuration directory can't be worked out # config_file - name of the configuration file - otherwise determined dynamically # config (ref to hash of values to override in the config file # Values in the file are overridden by what's in the environment =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') ? %{$_[0]} : @_; my $info = $args{info} || CGI::Info->new(); if($args{'logger'}) { $args{'logger'}->debug(__PACKAGE__, '->new()'); } my $config_dir; if($ENV{'CONFIG_DIR'}) { $config_dir = $ENV{'CONFIG_DIR'}; } else { $config_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $info->script_dir(), File::Spec->updir(), File::Spec->updir(), 'conf' ); if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Looking for configuration $config_dir/", $info->domain_name()); } if(!-d $config_dir) { $config_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $info->script_dir(), File::Spec->updir(), 'conf' ); if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Looking for configuration $config_dir/", $info->domain_name()); } } if(!-d $config_dir) { if($ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}) { $config_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}, File::Spec->updir(), 'lib', 'conf' ); } else { $config_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{'HOME'}, 'lib', 'conf' ); } if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Looking for configuration $config_dir/", $info->domain_name()); } } if(!-d $config_dir) { if($args{config_directory}) { $config_dir = $args{config_directory}; } elsif($args{logger}) { while(my ($key,$value) = each %ENV) { $args{logger}->debug("$key=$value"); } } } if(my $lingua = $args{'lingua'}) { my $language; if(($language = $lingua->language_code_alpha2()) && (-d "$config_dir/$language")) { $config_dir .= "/$language"; } elsif(-d "$config_dir/default") { $config_dir .= '/default'; } } } # if($args{'debug'}) { # # Not sure this really does anything # $Config::Auto::Debug = 1; # } my $config; my $config_file = $args{'config_file'} || $ENV{'CONFIG_FILE'} || File::Spec->catdir($config_dir, $info->domain_name()); if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Configuration path: $config_file"); } eval { if(-r $config_file) { if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Found configuration in $config_file"); } $config = Config::Auto::parse($config_file); } elsif (-r File::Spec->catdir($config_dir, 'default')) { $config_file = File::Spec->catdir($config_dir, 'default'); if($args{logger}) { $args{logger}->debug("Found configuration in $config_file"); } $config = Config::Auto::parse('default', path => $config_dir); } else { die "no suitable config file found in $config_dir"; } }; if($@ || !defined($config)) { throw Error::Simple("$config_file: configuration error: $@"); } # The values in config are defaults which can be overridden by # the values in args{config} if(defined($args{'config'})) { $config = { %{$config}, %{$args{'config'}} }; } # Allow variables to be overridden by the environment foreach my $key(keys %{$config}) { if($ENV{$key}) { if($args{'logger'}) { $args{'logger'}->debug(__PACKAGE__, ': ', __LINE__, " overwriting $key, ", $config->{$key}, ' with ', $ENV{$key}); } $config->{$key} = $ENV{$key}; } } # Config::Any turns fields with spaces into arrays, put them back foreach my $field('Contents', 'SiteTitle') { my $value = $config->{$field}; if(ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') { $config->{$field} = join(' ', @{$value}); } } unless($config->{'config_path'}) { $config->{'config_path'} = File::Spec->catdir($config_dir, $info->domain_name()); } return bless $config, $class; } sub AUTOLOAD { our $AUTOLOAD; my $key = $AUTOLOAD; $key =~ s{.*::}{}; my $self = shift or return undef; return $self->{$key}; } 1;